Thanksgiving Blonde Joke

  • johnnyb
    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    Last year at Thanksgiving, my mom went to my sister’s
    house for the traditional feast. Knowing how gullible my sister is, my mom decided to play a trick. She told my sister that she needed something from the store.

    When my sister left, my mom took the turkey out of the oven, removed the stuffing, stuffed a Cornish hen, and inserted it into the turkey, and re-stuffed the turkey. She then placed the bird(s) back in the oven.

    When it was time for dinner, my sister pulled the turkey out of the oven and proceeded to remove the stuffing. When her serving spoon hit something, she reached in and pulled out the little bird.

    With a look of total shock on her face, my mother exclaimed, “Patricia, you’ve cooked a pregnant bird!”

    At the reality of this horrifying news, my sister started to cry. It took the family two hours to convince her that turkeys lay eggs!

    Yep………………SHE’S BLONDE!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Good to see you around


    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1848

    I seriously just wet myself. That is quite good.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    I have to try that! Funny.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    that’s a good one.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    OMG, I swear, my one sister (not a blonde somehow) if you shoved a sparrow in the game hen, in the turkey, she’d even fall for that one..

    big G

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I’d say there is a fighting chance that BOTH your sisters would fall for that one!!!

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 683


    OMG, I swear, my one sister (not a blonde somehow) if you shoved a sparrow in the game hen, in the turkey, she’d even fall for that one..

    big G

    I’m telling Karen AND Nancy

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    That is the best belly laugh I have had in a long time

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Thanks JohnnyB

    Robin Holden
    Nestor Falls ON
    Posts: 54

    That is awesome….I may try that next year….

    carver Mn
    Posts: 217

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