Do we need a $700 billion bailout?

  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    This is the question of perhaps our generation…. There is much I dont understand about the whole thing. Ive heard so many things. Some things you hear are politically related, some are big business related… lots of finger pointing going around..
    Where Im from we dont fix blame.. we fix problems… no one asked for this one but here it is.. can it be fixed? will $700 billion fix it? Some say if we intervene it will be the death of capitalism and the onset of socialism… others just say the market works the way it is let it work… and of course the backers of this bailout say.. yes.. but… if we intelligently intervene we will save ourselves years of hardship…..
    one thing seems sure.. no matter what happens it seems we will be poorer as a nation

    I read this paragraph in relation to the purchase of the failed bank washington mutual……

    The purchase of WaMu’s assets again raises the issue of whether the government bailout of the financial system is necessary. Private capital has picked up the pieces of several bank and brokerage failures and the process has happened with speed and efficiency. Capital is available if the deals are good enough

    man.. I dont know…. what do you guys think? this involves all of us and we should all be interested in what is happening.. we all have a stake in it I think…

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