In-Depth T-Shirts

  • blue-fleck
    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Here is your first chance for an exclusive In-Depth Angling T-Shirt. They will be offered in sizes SM-XXXL. Two shirt colors will be avail. Ash Grey and White. Please specify when you order.

    The price is $20.00 plus shipping. Shipping will cost $3.00

    Send Checks and Money Orders to:

    Tom Donaldson
    1815 Riverview Dr.
    Dresbach MN 55947

    Be sure to include a return address.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Great shirts, I’ll add to the xmas list.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’m in for a couple!!!

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    WOW! Those look really nice. I’ll have to order one to wear down to Florida for my saltwater trip this winter!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Im good for one by tuesday fleck.

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    Hey those look really nice!

    Think you could round up hooded sweat shirts in the same colors???

    Des Moines, Iowa
    Posts: 83

    Hooded sweatshirt sounds good to me too !!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ya Fleck! i’d rather have a hooded sweatshirt if its possible, Can you swing it?

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    Hey Blue. Do you have any with pockets?

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Right now I don’t have anything with pockets. Same goes for hooded sweats. I will look into it on Monday and post what I find. Hopefully I’ll be able to get some in stock for you guys to have.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    Will there be hats soon??

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Guys……………..I just got my T’s last night and I mean to tell you, the shirts ROCK! Very comfortable, great color, and it’s got my favorite website stamped on the front!!! Fellow board members, show your enthusiasm and pick up a shirt! I “kid” you not, they’re EXTREMELY comfortable!

    Great job on the shirts Blue Fleck!!!!

    So, Jeremy explained to us some time ago about “The Great Caledonian”……………… you suppose he’s got anything up his sleeve to reference a great shirt maker?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Right now I’m doing less than my job………..but at work……….sportin’ my new In-Depth Angling T-shirt!!! Everybody else is wearing sports jerseys today! What’s the deal? Did they forget fishing’s a sport……………and one almost all of us can do? Anyway, I know who my favorite “sporting team” is……………and that’s the guys from In-Depth Angling!!!

    Sportin’ the apparel………..loud and proud!

    Des Moines, Iowa
    Posts: 83

    Oh man . . . . . I just opened the mail and ZOWIE !!!!! Got my new t-shirt !!!! Great job on the shirt Blue Fleck !!! This is almost as good as a 4lb smallie !!

    Almost . . . . . . now, about the sweatshirts ????

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    My wife wants to know if they come in a mauve or a forrest green…to match the bumpers on the boat. Also, is scotch guard an option?

    No response required…checks in the mail….

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    The sweats we used have been discontinued. Hopefully by the time the new year rolls in we will have found a suitable vendor that carries sweatshirts and hooded sweats. As for Mauve Green, I can make the art that color but shirts in that color are not available. Scotch Gard? How ’bout I thrown in a bib and some baby wipes instead?

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey fleck,

    nice job on the design of them tshirt and sweat shirts, showed the wife, hope that mrs. clause was paying attention when i showed her these. want a few to do with my new bumper stickers. will be seeing my check hopefully soon.


    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    Can I get two XL, one in white and the other in grey? Let me know.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey, Blue!

    I just realized that I didn’t get my shirt yet (or the baby wipes)

    Then I remember I didn’t send you a check!
    You still have a xl in grey?

    Des Moines, Iowa
    Posts: 83

    Fleck . . . . any word on the sweatshirts ??? Love my t-shirt!!!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    The sweats on my end have been discontinued. I’m sure James is working on a clothing line to satisfy the needs of the many.

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