Could have been WAY worse!

  • Rabbithunter
    Marion, Iowa
    Posts: 13

    Friday morning, my Dad called my cell phone and left a voice mail to call him. Right away I knew something was wrong. By the third time I called, I was getting a little anxious for him to answer. He finally answered but he didnt sound to alarmed. After about a minute, I asked so what did want when you called. He said they had just been robbed!

    Thursday night just about midnight, they were violated and had four guys take adavantage of their house while they slept. Low and behold, the house behind them was just sold to a younger couple who both happened to be police officers. The police couple had gotten off at duty at 11 pm and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. One of the officers, noticed that my dads truck dash light was on. He then looked over at my moms car and it was on also. Then they noticed the garage door open about 2 feet and saw two people scurrying around. The male/husband officer instinctively yelled “Hey, you dont live here” and one yelled back “yes, we do.” The officer proceeded to tell them that this was his neighbor and they were come out immediately. Well, one person was in my dads truck ducking down, he jumped out and ran. Same thing with my moms car, he ran too. The other two both rolled out under the garage door but had grabbed baseball bats on the way out. They come out swinging and intended to do some damage to the officers but fortunatley the off-duty, unarmed officers persuaded them differently and they too ran off.

    My parents some how managed to sleep through all of this commotion, so the neighbor officers had to wake them. They each went to a door and yelled “Davenport police, you’ve just been robbed, we need to use your phone.” After calling the on duty police, it just so happened that the neighbor officers were aware of the identities of these burgalars. They were members of a white supremeist gang and had been in trouble previously. So the off duty officers led them to an address and three of the four were positively identified and ARRESTED! The fourth is still in large. One has since been released to his parents (Juvie), the other two are still in jail facing multiple felonies ($50,000 bonds). The officer said had he been armed, the two with baseball bats would have been shot!

    They only items they got away with were keys, a garage door opener, a cell phone charger and baseball bats. Hopefully, the keys will resurface but I bet there gone.

    These two officers need some type of honorable mention. My parents are buying them a nice dinner and plan to do some type of recognition with the media. There has been no media coverage yet of this happening.

    The thing that scares me the most about this whole situation is if those police werent there, what would have happened. My parents could have beat or killed and they scum bags could have stolen/broken much more property! I cant even begin to say how thankful I am for these two OFF-DUTY, UN-ARMED officers!!!

    I will update if I find out more.

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