Latest on Isabel
Well over the sumer months we were excepted into a program called neighborhood Wilds. It allows for naturalization of neighborhoods including shorelines. We were excepted in June but didn’t get the plans till the beginning of august. Unbenounced to us the program ends 10-31-03. So the program is coming to an end before we had a chance to do anything. We have applyed for an extention and are waiting for and answer on that. The Dakota County Soil and Water said that they have some money but not enough to accomplish all the projects. Hopefully the extention will be approved and we can get started next spring.
On an up note we ( The East Side Improvement Assoc) has had a meeting with the City of Hastings, The DNR, And the county. We all agreed that the grandios plan that we have had to restore the lake is way to expensive for the benefits recieved.
So we brainstormed and came up with some alturnatives that are much cheaper and easier to implement.
We haven’t disclosed the details to the residents so that’s about all I should release at this time. There is still some investigations taking place. We will be holding a neighborhood meeting in the near future to get residents reaction. I think they will be satisfied.
We had a petition being circulated that would hopefully get some money from a program that had some$300 g to spend on environment projects. But I haven’t heard anything about that.
Thanks for inquiring. It’s good to know that there is some interest in the lake outside of the neighborhood.