Being a dad who loves to fish but also has dad duties, I would like to share and have others share what seems to keep them content for awhile.
When I go out with my 4 year old daughter there are some essentials to carry along.
1. Her fish pole. She has been able to cast pretty well. I usually just keep a bobber and only a bobber on her line. Reason: add the hook and it tangles and catches dad much more often than any fish
2. Pack some food, This helps in delaying the bordom factor.
3. Color book and pencils or crayons come in very handy and keep easy in the boat.
4. TP for all the little ladys out there its a MUST! A ice cream pail works out as well, but I have resorted to the hold you over the edge. Yup I look like a redneck I am sure.
Anyone got other suggestions? Glad to hear them cuz it just helps me stay out there just a little longer.
PS. Watch the language…I have hear from the back of the boat on more than one occation, “Damn weeds” Man is she a parrot