I moved from the big city to a very rural spot 25 years ago because I like the outdoors.Eveything I like to do is outdoors….well,almost everything. I know this site is full of people who basically enjoy much the same things so,perhaps I find myself preaching to the choir but,the one thing I can not figure out is why some in our ranks of so called sportsmen and outdoorsmen are some of the worst litterbugs on the planet.It doesn’t matter whether I’m hiking a trail used by hunters and their ATV’s,ice fishing or out in my boat,I’m always encountering and picking up trash left behind by some slob.To me,it’s akin to walking into a church and finding a pile of excrement on the alter.
So,my question is;I don’t play tennis or softball.I don’t bike and I don’t play golf but,I wonder if this problem infects these realms too or is it more an unfortunate by-product of the activities that I choose to pursue?
April 24, 2008 at 6:31 pm