Duck, Duck, Eagle (pix)

  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    well these are NOT the most spectacular pix you will ever see.. they are just a selection of a few I took yesterday.. Im still looking for good eagle ops.. they should be moving and congregating right now.. I just got lucky with an immature that landed within 100 feet of me while I was looking at ducks.. and ducks are piling intoo any open water… so Im going after them too!… this stuff I had a processing problem so it dont look that good.. PLUS gray skies pretty much suck for backgrounds… and for light in general.. its a very flat boring light… but hey… I will throw these out.. and hope you dont throw up…
    I was looking real hard for places to shoot eagles in Feb.. but then suddenly went to the SW for a month… thanks everyone so much for all your suggestions… if you have more I will listen… I really need LOTS of eagles to get good shots… otherwise I spend lots of time and get little.. thats how it is around here… there are eagles.. everywhere… but only 1 at a time… and they are camera shy here besides.. if they can tell im in the area.. they simply wont come near!

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