It ended up being a bitter sweet day. I went fishing with my neighbor Kevin to do some late night fishing. We got down there at 5:30pm Thursday night & fished till 11:30pm pitching jigs had a great evening. So we decided to go down early the next morning and pitch jigs in the morning and do some hand lining in the afternoon. We got down there Friday morning around 7:00am, oops over slept. Started pitching jigs and finished up around 12:00pm to go have lunch. After lunch we headed down stream and started hand lining. First pass we ended up with 6 in the box and released 1. Every pass we had at leased a couple fish. Then around 4:30pm we boated what looked to be a nice walleye until I got a good look at it up on the surface and noticed it was a sauger . I drove over to scooters boat a guy I work with and asked if he hade a scale which he did and weighed it. The first time it said 6lb 7 oz then I took the fish off and the scale and it read 1 oz so we reset the scale and put her back on and it said 6 lb 6 oz. I knew the record was close but (1) that would have been 12 fish in the box and we would of had to quit fishing and (2) I thought the record was a little more. I didn’t want to put her in the box banging around in the live well back up to Evert’s to find out it was not a record, so we let her go
. You might call that ridiculous but we kept fishing and had a fantastic day.
April 5, 2008 at 9:51 pm