Great Cause!!

  • spence
    southern mn
    Posts: 94

    Hello all , I am sending out a help letter to everyone here on IDO in hopes that you can help me out. I am participating in the St. Baldrick’s Foundation fundraiser here in Rochester this year (i.e. –

    What is St. Baldrick’s you ask?

    St. Baldrick’s is the world’s largest volunteer-driven fundraising event for childhood cancer research. Thousands of volunteers shave their heads in solidarity of children with cancer, while requesting donations of support from friends and family.

    At a St. Baldrick’s event, something amazing happens. People who normally shy away from the very thought of childhood cancer find themselves compelled to support this cause after looking into the face of these brave children who are smiling broadly as their friends and family members proudly display their newly shorn heads.

    Volunteers and donors see it can be fun to support a serious cause. Young cancer patients and survivors see how many people care. And researchers see St. Baldrick’s funds helping to find cures!

    What I need from you is to help me out in raising pledges and donations for me to shave all the curly locks off my head. Anything you can donate will help me reach my goal. Donations can be made under my name on the website:|48298

    Thanks in advance for all your help to promote a good cause,

    Scott Spencer

    Posts: 78

    Would but i beleive i am going to be participating in it at la crosse! Great to see other people taking the time to do something for others. Thumbs up to you!

    southern mn
    Posts: 94

    Come on now! NO HELP!?!?!

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