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Berkeley, CA should be
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Don’t these imbeciles realize that the Marines don’t dictate our countries foreign policy?
If they feel so strongly about this, why don’t they go to Washington and try to get a parking spot in front of the White House and protest there.
Marines are more than willing to go into harms way to protect these ungrateful wretches.
I say go ahead and let them kick out the Marines. We will gladly move the guys out and cut off all federal funding to their city also. If the ever get hit with a natural disaster or terrorist attack they better have someone else to call on other than the federal government or it’s agencies. Stupid left wing jerks wearing their Code Pink shirts pandering to the far left groups. I heard this last night on the radio and I was shocked with their utter disrespect of those who have died to give them the freedom to make complete asses of themselves. When will they learn that “Freedom is not Free” and that great men and women who wear the uniform of the US armed services have died so they can walk around comfortably in their city without fear of the enemy attacking.
I don’t now if it was said but someone is already proposed that they take fedral funding away from berkley not that they have done this.
This is reminiscent of the vote in the early 70’s in Madison, Wi to rename Miflin to the Ho Chi Min Trail. The ONLY good thing is that council voted it down….by one vote.
A slap in the nards to all those who have served in the past and continue to serve.
It is retorical to ask, do these folks understand what they have, why, and the sacrifice?
Scary thing about this is Madison is just about as bad as Berkely.
I am a member of the Minnesota American Legion. We are trying really hard to convince young people that we need their help in perserving some of our freedoms. This is a bunch of BS and we know it but our Veterans fought so that these protester have a right to protest. Maybe this will convince more veterans to join us in our fight for veterans rights. I agree Give California to Mexico.
I feel terrible for the WW2 vets nearing the end of there time, and they have to see this crap!!!!!
I hope you guys aren’t just talking here, you can post all you want it goes nowhere. There are Email adresses there, tell that city council what you think. I did, I don’t know how much of them will get read but at least the flood of Emails will let them know how we feel!!
like that just urine me off!! If that would have been the office I Voluntarily walked into almost 8 years ago I would have told them to let me sign my papers outside! Jack
people CHOOSE to defend your freedome and rights, and THIS IS HOW YOU USE IT?
oh p.s. Way to go city concil that was a great move! Idiots!
Scary thing about this is Madison is just about as bad as Berkely.
Or quite possibly it’s the other way around, as in vice versa!
California not only could fall in the ocean, but some day it will or at least be an island. To bad we won’t be around to see it
I wonder if those ‘code pink’ female-dogs would like walking around wearing burquas, not being able to go to school, not being able to vote, having to walk behind their ‘man’, being shot or stoned for expressing an opinion in public… this crap makes me sick, especially when my son will be heading to Iraq (or, God forbid, Iran) in the next few month, willing to give his life to protect these monkeybutts’ rights… I’m angry
Code Pink Kiss my . And that is my freedom of speech I fought for!!!!!
Careful what you say 1HawgHunter. Most of the guys at Berkley would probably love to kiss your
Well Well Well….Looks like they forgot that the goverment can push back , and even harder at that.
Looks like Berkeley is starting to back track now that their federal funds are threatened.
The local Berkeley government still needs to be held accountable for their actions.
Just heard on the news that folks are already lining up for the city council meeting tonight, and it is only 6:30 AM In Berkeley, CA. The city council is going to reconsider this decision. Going to be an interesting meeting to say the least!
I emailed the whole council and the governor of CA. A couple things, the governor didn’t want anything to do with this. His response, it’s a city issue, not a state problem.
The original article we were sent was printed incorrectly. There were 3 council members who voted against this. They are fighting hard to get it repealed. The one psycho member says she is protecting the youth of Berkeley. She also stated they do not support vandalism, but support the Pink nazi’s. Kind of hypocritical since they are defacing the front of the recruiting office.
Days when I think this state is more liberal than I can stand, I just have to remind myself of this.
I emailed the whole council and the governor of CA. A couple things, the governor didn’t want anything to do with this. His response, it’s a city issue, not a state problem.
The original article we were sent was printed incorrectly. There were 3 council members who voted against this. They are fighting hard to get it repealed. The one psycho member says she is protecting the youth of Berkeley. She also stated they do not support vandalism, but support the Pink nazi’s. Kind of hypocritical since they are defacing the front of the recruiting office.
Days when I think this state is more liberal than I can stand, I just have to remind myself of this.
Kooty, you are truly a Patriot!
Here is my remedy, give them a fair trial, then hang ’em! Note: Suggested sequence of events may be reversed!
Hmmm, Not sure how Madison got involved in this conversation. Generally those that stereotype an entire population or city are uneducated, don’t know anyone that lives there, and should shut up as it is better to stay silent and have people think you are stupid than to open your mouth or your computer and remove all doubts. Veteran here and we support the corp. There are good people in Berkely too and I think they got rid of this didn’t they?
….when I think this state is more liberal than I can stand, I just have to remind myself of this.
CA is so far left, it makes Communism seem like a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!
…… The one psycho member says she is protecting the youth of Berkeley.
She fits my definition of an sanctimonious gas bag!
Hmmm, Not sure how Madison got involved in this conversation. Generally those that stereotype an entire population or city are uneducated, don’t know anyone that lives there, and should shut up as it is better to stay silent and have people think you are stupid than to open your mouth or your computer and remove all doubts. Veteran here and we support the corp. There are good people in Berkely too and I think they got rid of this didn’t they?
I didn’t introduce the Madison comparison, just agreeing with the validity of it. As far as the second sentence in your post is concerned, my comment would be that it appears to be the exception that proves this rule. Your all inclusive assumption that all (i.e. we) veterans support the corp. may also be inaccurate by your own critique! One can always find exceptions, however few there may be. There are, no doubt, good people in Berkeley and Madison, the question here is one of quantity, not quality. The constituency of the majority usually determines the how something is classified. With all due respect to your lofty pedagogy, allow this humble writer with his 3rd grade education, to point out that the subject California City of this thread is Berkeley. Finally, the powers that be are going to revisit this decree tonight. As I understand it, they will eliminate only the portion of the ruling that proclaims the ‘Marine Recruiters are unwelcome intruders’ and apologize, while leaving the rest of their original ‘fix’ in place, including premium parking spaces right in front of the USMC recruiting office for the Code Pinkies! This will, they hope, appease the Feds and preserve their Federal funding.
Alright whiskey jacker,
I will agree that you are uneducated. I will also agree that they are dumb to try and throw out the marine corp. I have had the pleasure of working with some marines. They are fine soldiers in my humble opinion and I support them. Even though I think the war a foolish expensive mistake, I will not comment further to you on this post anyway. Maybe you should join up and go fight. I understand they have lowered their requirements so fat, old, uneducated, criminals can now join.
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