Where are the Eagles?

  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Ive been chomping at the bit to go out and get some great eagle shots this winter… but Ive not had any luck around here at all.. every lead I follow up as been a wild goose..errrrr eagle chase…. and Ive nothing to show for it.. I guess I need to find a place where eagles are pretty concentrated.. where chances are I will see at LEAST 100… and hopefully more in the course of a few hours… I need LOTS of chances to get a few good shots… so does anyone have any great leads for me? I KNOW I can go to Homer alaska and on any given day there are around 300 eagles waiting to be fed by the eagle lady on the Homer spit.. but I was kind of hoping to keep the $$ down a bit… thats a sure thing photo shoot with LOTS of ops.. most of them so close you dont even need a big lens… however I DO have a big lens.. so I can cash in on shots out to maybe 100 feet or so and still get a spectacular shot… I need to add to my meager collection of eagle shots…

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