Hunting forum interest…?

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756


    Is there enough interest to have a seasonal duck hunting and or deer hunting forum here on the sites? It’s quite easy for me to “hide” these forums for the rest of the year when they’d be of lesser interest and annually roll them out around hunting season.

    Let me know and suggestions for forums are always welcomed.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I’d say NO !!

    I think there are enough hunting websites out there to cover that…lets not make this site to complex…I like it the way it is right now….James, you have made it very user friendly the way it is …

    NO !!!

    just my nickels worth,


    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Sounds great.

    Gator Hunter

    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    I think that would be great! This time of year my fishing hours start to decline while my hunting hours increase. It would be interesting to see how our compadrees do out in the field, or in the marsh, or in a tree stand.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    I think giving the hunters there own forum would be a good idea. It would help categorize things a bit better for the viewers who don’t want to read the huntin stuff. It would be the huntin hangout

    big dad
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 238

    I think it would be super! There are surely enough of us interetsed in all outdoor stuff that a hunting forum would be fun!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    I would like it as well. I am plannig to get back into hunting a little more this year and if the hunting info here is half as good as the fishing info it would be a great benefit.

    Dave, I see your point too… there are a lot of hunting sites out there but they do not always have the numbers of quality character guys that I see on this site every day. The fact that you guys run a quality site is all the more reason to have a hunting forum available over the fall/winter.

    I’ll need something to keep me sane ’til the next walleye opener.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    oh yeah, a hunting forum would be great .

    i think it would get a lot of use all year long.

    i agree that we don’t want to make the site overly complex. there are a few out there that are way to cocnfusing. but if we think the site is getting to complex why don’t we delete a few of the forums that NEVER get used .

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Would love to add some hunting forums.Dave has a good point also but it might add some good members who go to other site’s looking for hunting info.Why not try it and see what happens.Also have a upland hunting forum for us pheasant addicts.
    Ryan Hale

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    The way I see it, it’s just like everything else. Somedays we’ll be thrilled and others…………….lesser thrilled. But the availability here……………….I just don’t think it’d change much of what we already have. It might birth some new registraints but it’s not like this is going to become a hunting site.

    It’s no secret a good number of us hunt as well and I think the majority of it’s use would be between those of us already here and would get most of it’s expansion and growth from other fishermen and women just like the rest of us. Instead of feeling like we’re marring up the fishing forums (for a brief spell), we could feel that it has it’s place.

    I just don’t see any threat to In-Depth Angling by including this forum. It’s not going to take over anything we’ve built here, I don’t think, ……………..cuz James wouldn’t allow it!

    Bottomline………it’s just like anything else…………..if you’re interested in reading about it, you’ll click the mouse and read about it. If not, you skip it.

    I just don’t see the harm in a seasonal availability for all of us already here to share knowledge of another sport. I don’t see any hunting field staffers or reporters being sought out or any mission statements abandoned. We fish…………….first and foremost. But for a little “smoked” flavor…………..a fall hunting forum for all the game chasers to see all the trophies we catch and “lonely” waters we fish!…………….I like it!

    My (long winded) 2 cents.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1139

    I think the title “indepthangling” is the whole answer.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I would vote for both a duck and upland hunting forum. There are other hunting sites out there, but there are also other fishing sites and we choose this one because of the quality and style of the site and the people who frequent it.I’m sure it would be the same with a hunting forum.

    Posts: 922

    Nubby votes ‘YES’.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Personally I’m not for it becauuse this is a fishing website. But, it would keep the hunting stuff off of the fishing forums and if people are going to go to sites where hunting is then lets have them continue to come here and have one or two forums for the hunters and remember fisherman who don’t want to go to those forums don’t have to go there. When people ask me if I hunt my answer is yes-I hunt for fish when on the water. But James is the one who has to make the call here as to if he wants to get into a hunting forum or not. Thanks, Bill

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    You know there are allways two sides to every story…I’m in no way against any hunting at all…so if there were any “PETA LOVER” words thrown my way under the sheets you can forget that notion right now !!

    There are a lot of great people here that both hunt and fish..and if there was a seperate forum for upland game (includes ducks,grouse,phesants,varments of various types) then I say lets give the users what they want….this would be a seasonal forum and could just hide in the back ground while the season is closed or when the traffic comes to a stand still…

    Call the forum It Flys, It Dies

    there…there is my other nickles worth

    Winona MN
    Posts: 75

    I am there with Bells on! I like the fact I would be able to check out the bite and the flight all on the same side. Great Idea

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    the thing that attracted me most to sign up for this site was the people that come here and share with everyone. I would think that we have developed freindships from this site. I think that having a seasonal post for the hunters isn’t all bad, i mean, if you come here because of your friends, then why go to a new site where you don’t know anyone. I only come to this site for my fishing advice and questions that i have. I would like to think that being able to do the same thing for those hunters, and also it gives us a chance to show off our trophies. but when it comes to fishing, THIS SITE ROCKS!!!!!!!

    what i am saying, I want my cake and eat it tooo!!!!!!!

    thanks for letting me voice my 2 cents worth


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Hey Dave,
    For what is worth I did not take your reply that way. (That you were against hunting) I understand your concerns and respect your opinion

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Hey Steve, i think a forum on hunting deer and ducks, geese is a good idea. Nice too let the thoughts wander over too hunting after a good day on the water. Lots of guys have great experiences in the outdoors, unbelievable encounters and stories. Great way too post a days limits or tell of the flights, numbers, and weather. Its a good idea for duck and bowhunters plus anyone else in the area we live in. I love too fish and bowhunt. This time of year gets anyones adrenaline going, later

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Hey mossydan I see that this was your first post, welcome to In-Depth Angling, and I could not agree with you more

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hey Dave, PETA stands for ”People Eat Taste Animals”. At least thats what a bumper sticker said that I saw about a year ago. Sure you ain’t a peta lover? LOL. Couldn’t resist Bud. Alittle humor helps to lighten the tension. We all love to fish and some love to do both. One of these days it will get quiet on the lake front as it will be too cold for fishing from a boat for some and too early for ice fishing as the lakes haven’t froze over yet so some people will be out hunting instead. A Hunting forum or two would fill in the gap for alot of people and keep the traffic high on the site too. Now I’m just talking through my head here and might get blown off on the subject as I have NOT talked to or heard anything from James on this subject yet, so what I’m saying is just ”my” thinking. But if a couple hunting forums would fly ok with James, are there any In-depthangling Pro-Staff and or Field Staff people who might be interested in moderating such forums? I’m not a hunter except for hunting for fish so I’m out. Is there a high enough interest here for such a thing? Remember, this is just my big mouth talking here so nothing has been talked about with James. Just want to know about how much interest there really is and if there are Staffers who would want to moderate the forums to keep the conversations going. Thanks, Bill

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    this is the time of year that i was born for. I love to hunt and fish, but fall is my time in the woods hunting. I do upland birds, waterfowl, and deer hunting, both bow and rifle. needless to say, this is the time of year my wife hates the most, because if i am not at work, i am gone hunting, or fishing, getting that fall bite on!!! but I would be glad to offer what i know on any subject of hunting, for what i hunt.


    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Ok …so who is going to take the time to moderate these pages ? They have to take the time out of there day and Moderate the forums…I think there are some Highly Qualified people out there to do this, no doubt…but will they (you) be willing to devote your talents to the computer to make these pages as good if not better that the rest of the site !!…

    Just a couple of questions that I had…See I care a lot about this site

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hunting is BIG in the fall but some hunt year round for different animal species so ”maybe” a certain area on the forum list for ”Hunting” and have it there all year for all the year round hunters too? Doesn’t have to be a big thing but an area for the hunting side of our viewer family to have. ??? Any comments, and please be nice. lol Thanks, Bill

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    as far as designing web pages and posts, I have no idea on how to do that, I am a networking guy (harware and some software, but not coding). if that i was able to help, yes i would, i live on a computer when I am not out hunting or fishing. I work on one for 12 hours a day, and then go home and work on mine for a few more.


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I think we have staff that both fish and hunt alot. The question is would they be willing to take the time, or have the time, to moderate these forums? Could be even 4 people per forum to help keep these things going. I too care about this site and thats why I, like Dave, is asking how much of an interest is there in this. This could be just a small area on the forum list with say two forums [birds and animals] and would become as big or stay as small as the people who paticipate in the forums make it. It could be a good aaddition and yet stay small, which is ok. Or it could grow also, which is ok. Maybe we need to add some Hunting Field Staff people, who hunt year round, if anyone is interested. Remember, just me still talking here. [haven’t been fired yet]. Just trying to feel out what kind and how strong of an interest there is here. What does everyone think about a hunting forum? Thanks, Bill

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    like I said before, I want my cake and eat it to. I would like to have the best of both sports here at one stop. I love to fish and i love to hunt. I would be willing to help out in any way needed to keep this site great, and I am sure others would also.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 397

    Good idea guys. I was just thinking the same thing. I’ll do my part. I’ve traveled as far as Texas for duck hunting. Also my uncle is a professional dog trainer and i have spent 3 months in Texas training dogs with him and now lot about training and hunting. Count me in.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    OK guys… good arguements on both sides for and against. I’ll sleep on the idea and decide in the AM either way.

    Thanks much for your thoughts and comments.

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