rumors of muskies

  • gary_wellman
    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    There have been reports (I’ve only heard rumors) here and there of muskies being caught in pool 4. Has anyone ever chased them around the RedWing area and is there any validity to the reports?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Plenty of validity to the reports………no knowledge of intentional pursuit though. If the numbers and size would justify a day’s chase, it’s being kept a good secret! While hearing more about them this year than any other, it’s the same everywhere they’re known to prowl. A lot of reports this year. Myself, I wouldn’t target them on Pool 4……………but I know they’re there and with Pool 2 stocking, there’s bound to be more. With all the forage base, we could see some monsters in the future.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Well Kid;

    The way I see it…….If people are catching them by mistake, they must be there. If people are unsure of the quantity……then they ain’t being tapped into (virgin fish)

    Maybe we need to schedule a time to do a little investigating???

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402


    I have heard minimal reports of someone catching a musky on pool 4. I have only heard of 3 believable reports in my life. I am sure if there are a few around just because of this but not in great numbers.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Thanks for the info Dustin……It really raises ones curiosity if they are around, in what numbers, and how big.

    However, considering the amount of time that you spend on the water, I would have to assume that they just ain’t there…….

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’ve never caught one either but know of a small handful of verified catches of smaller fish.In the immediate area, I’d recommend the Chippewa, Zumbro or the St. Croix over Pool 4… unless pig sized pike are of interest. Pool 4 has those in spades.

    If you’ve been following the muskie bite on the Croix as reported by Mike T. and Has, well, you know there’s some HUGE muskie to be had there. Those guys have posted some impressive pics from this season.

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