Canning fish

  • gundez-71
    South Minnesota
    Posts: 675

    Does anyone can fish? Years ago my dad would get small jars of canned carp and whites from people at his work. My mother would make macaroni salad and fish salad sammitches from the stuff and we always thought it was much better tasting than tuna. I always remember my dad saying the carp couldn’t be more than 5 lbs. in size. They also used sucker if they could get it.


    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    My Dad still cans a lot of fish. Nothing better on crackers with a few beers during the game!

    South Minnesota
    Posts: 675

    Yea, my dad would have crackers and fish salad my mom would make and he loved tomato juice with it. Watching the Vikings. That all ended when some one screw up on the Vikes and my dad slammed the tv tray with a full glass of tomatoe juice on to my mom’s brand new carpet I never seen him drink tomatoe juice in the front room again.

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Yeah that still happens in many living rooms around this state when it comes to the vikes. Culpeppers second fumble late in the game did it yesterday.

    My dad sometimes puts a dash of tobasco in each jar before pressure cooking his fish, helps give it a nice color.
    I’ll have to call and see when he’s going to do another batch.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    I love to eat Northern this way-very good!!!I have a friend that does it but hard to get any from him and I don’t blame him.
    Ryan Hale

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    Here’s the recipe my folks use. Low Salt version!

    Fill Quart jar with fish
    1-1/2 tsp. salt

    1 T. oil
    2 T vinegar (we use cider)
    about a T. of catsup, gives some color
    Put lids and rings on.
    Pressure cook 90 Min. at 15 lbs.

    For pint jars we do the same, but only use 1/2 tsp salt, the rest the same as quarts.

    Good canning!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Heres a simple receipe that the czechs use down this way. One teaspoon of Heinz’s catsup, one teaspoon of yellow mustard, one teaspoon of picking spices. mix in a pint jar and put in cubed suckers or carp, major bones and dark meat removed. Pressure cook for 20 minutes and chill. The last time i ate this the guy had too take the jar from me as i was going too eat it all. It was sooooo good i forgot my manners. The czechs are big fish canners and turtle hunters in the winter. They gig them in the mud with 4 foot long rods, with hook on the end plus handle on the other. Working the mud until they hear a thud of a shell then pull it up working slowly through the mud from where it laid hibernating.

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