Gander MT. BAD DEAL!

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  • col._klink
    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I wrote a post in the Waterfowl POST section this morning about how my lovely bride got me a pattern master choke tube for my B-day yesterday.

    She bought it at Gander for $119 sticker price and about $127 and some change out the door. I am still stoaked about that I am a lucky guy to say the least!

    Out of curiosity I looked at the patternmaster website to see what they are going for. $85.00. I was a little ticked to be honest.

    I call Gander. They tell me they will look into it. THATS IT? Thats a lot of $$$$. I call there corperate office same response but they to offer a price match. The catch is the store has to be in 50 miles of the Forest Lake Gander. Plus they have to have it stock. Well lucky for me Cabelas is 43 miles away per mapquest. The best part is Cabelas is selling them for $79.99 and they have 11 in stock. Better yet advantage Col!!

    I plan on bringing the reciept to Gander in hopes of getting my $$$$ tonight.

    But here is my question I am aking you (Same question I asked the person at Gander HQ;

    How can your store have such a difference in price compared to maybe your #1 competitor (Cabelas)? And how can your store sell this item for way more than the maker?

    Last but least what are you going to do to fix it???

    Am I wrong for being a little ticked right now??

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    You have all the right to be upset. Take it back and go to Cabelas. If Gander wants your business, they should honor the price and then some for your inconvience.

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 33

    I recently purchased rifle shells at Gander Mountaion only to find out that I could have bought them at Cabela’s for TEN dollars a box cheaper. I know the burn.

    Posts: 1399

    Normally I like Cabelas much better than Gander, but on a whim I stopped in to a Gander and found their husky-jerks to be $1.00 cheaper than Cabelas…..nice, but not worth ending my self-imposed boycott of Gander by making the purchase. What can I say, I have the memory of an elephant and the stubborness of a mule.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    In my experiences with G.M., they do not seem to stand behind any thing in their store. I bought a worthless gun, which you can not return (No return policy on all firearms)and they do seem to be more expensive than the compition. Why would I show them Cabelas pricing when I can just go to Cabelas. I keep on giving Gander chances and they keep letting me down. I am sure other people have great things to say about them, but not this cat. Good luck with your return.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    yes and no. I’ve been beat a little before too. More often than not to be honest. If my lack of shopper savy or lack of time to drive a ways out of my way, than shame on me.

    Le Center
    Posts: 612

    Hope you use the refund money to buy the little lady something

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    In Eau claire, Wi there is a Scheels and Gander right across the street from one another…..I always go to Scheels first…find what I want….go across the street to Gander….see the price is higher….talk to the manager…get what I want 10 percent cheaper than Scheels….I was in there last night and one of the managers I have talked to before asked me if I had came from Scheels …. He knows how it works

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    With a sweet little bride like that I’d take her out to eat with the money you get back from Gander.
    Thanks, Bill

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    With my job, I have been in about every spg store in WI and MN multiple times. I am always comparing prices and it blows my mind how much the prices range. Sportsman’s Warehouse gets the nod for the lowest price on most fishing gear. Fleet Farm, Scheels, and Wal-Mart are also really close. Gander and Cabela’s are not great all around for fishing prices, but do have great sales. I picked up a new Cardiff reel at Scheels for $99.99 only to return it because I found one for $69.99 at Gander. Inevitably, the small shops are usually higher priced but they have great deals too. I picked up hand painted blades for 10 cents a piece on my last trip to Green Bay. That is bogus that the manufacturer price would differ that much from the store. Our product sells for 26.95 at Gander and we sell it direct for 29.95+shipping.

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599


    In Eau claire, Wi there is a Scheels and Gander right across the street from one another…..I always go to Scheels first…find what I want….go across the street to Gander….see the price is higher….talk to the manager…get what I want 10 percent cheaper than Scheels….I was in there last night and one of the managers I have talked to before asked me if I had came from Scheels …. He knows how it works

    I have noticed the same thing, I would have expected Scheels to be more expensive but to my surprise it wasn’t. However I have found some things at gander that are a little cheaper.

    Becker, MN
    Posts: 104

    I almost always shop Cabelas for those same reasons. Plus i was at the store in Rogers yesterday and spent $250.00 on duck hunting stuff, when i checked out they rang up a in store discount of $50.00 Did not know they had that discount going on now. I may have to make another trip.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    What surprises me is how ignorant of the Internet the management of these stores seem to be. In this day and age, it’s pretty easy for a bad review to be seen by hundreds of people. Same thing with bad customer service, all it takes is one posting on a message board and a lot of the “target audience” is reading about it. It ain’t 1965 anymore.

    Recently I needed a new trolling motor battery. The wife wanted to look at spinnerbaits or something so we started at Gander in Woodbury MN. They wanted $135 for a 24 series deep cycle battery! Then the sales guy tried to tell me it was well worth the extra $10 to get the “maintenance free” deep cycle battery. I asked the guy, “so other than making sure it has water in it and keeping the terminals clean, it’s maintenance free right?”. After he agreed I asked him what OTHER maintenance is required on a regular battery????? He didn’t have an answer for that. I hate it when they blow smoke at you. I ended up going to Fleet Farm and walking out with a new battery for $41.65.

    It pays to shop around…..


    Posts: 1

    I have bought large sums of fishing tackle from GM, not always the cheapest place but when I’ve return some crank baits that were untunable, they said ” No can do, this is terminal tackle, if it doesn’t work to bad”.

    Posts: 2014

    Normally I shop Cabela’s when ever possible, and If not possible, and not wanting to over pay on shipping, then I check out Sportsman’s warehouse. Wouldn’t you know it there is a Gander about 1/2 mile form the Warehouse. in Woodbury. I use to bounce back and forth between the two untill I started going through receipts and noticed all my purchases were from Sportsman ware house EVERYTHING is cheaper than Gande. My waders this year were $20 less, Well untill they went on sale then they were $30 less.

    If they are getting away with bending us over now What’s going to happen when they are On-Line? I’m sure they will do it much like Cabelas where your shippng is paid for by the amount and not by weight. Although I’m sure shipping will be close to $30 for a purchase of $1-$50 and just go up from there. Just the nature of business I guess there is ALWAYS someone out there taking advatage of that fact that people will pay what they ask, since some people wont price shop or it’s thier only option for what ever reason.

    I guess if they were paying thier employee’s more than the other stores I could actually justify it. But I have a feeling that price difference goes into the pocket’s of a select few.

    Posts: 2014


    I almost always shop Cabelas for those same reasons. Plus i was at the store in Rogers yesterday and spent $250.00 on duck hunting stuff, when i checked out they rang up a in store discount of $50.00 Did not know they had that discount going on now. I may have to make another trip.

    You must have just been picking up a few odds, and ends if you only spent $250 I always seem to spend twice that!


    I have been on the Gander Boycott for about 6 months now. I have found that their customer service, product knowledge, and pricing are fare inferior to their competitors. My $$ now goes to the sportsmans warehouse across the street. I have had nothing but fantastic experiences with this store, as well as competitive prices.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    after reading all the posts above anyone surprised at the fact the Gander Mtn. stock is trading at 5.64/ share. cheap but a bad investment even at that low price. I too have not stepped into a gander in over a year.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    i was shopping around rochester for a new muzzle loader, gander mtn had the T/C 50 cal for 549$ i picked the same gun up at Coyote Creek gun shop for 499, plus i got a free shirt from Coyote creek.

    Ive always shopped cabelas and will continue gander has always bit me the wrong way

    Posts: 4062

    I will bite my tongue, Gander

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    My wife used to work at Eau Claire’s Gander Mountain. Several friends have been made there over the years, some still work there. Anyhow that store was unbeatable until Holiday bought them out. Managers lost the majority of their inventory control, many managers were combined with other departments they had less knowledge of, and things just generally lost the personal touch I had relied on. But they are still a good group of people and will take care of you if they’ve done wrong. While I’ve only had a few issues over the years not once was I let down by poor customer service. My biggest complaint of GM in EC is their gun department lacks selection. I will say I’ve had trouble in that specific department before with a person that only wants to deal with someone buying a million dollar gun. I have no idea if that manager is still there or not but he was a general PITA.

    I also shop a lot more at Scheels than I used to. Their prices are very close to GM’s, certainly more so than when they 1st opened. I’ve always been treated extremely well and they seem to have anything you need. A few years back a laundromat dryer MELTED my Scent Blocker suit on the 2nd day of me week long trip. Scheels managers went out of their way to get me taken care of by letting me into the store a few minutes after the final bell that night. They got me fitted into a new suit and I was on my way. At the end of the hunt I went back in with my infant size, shrunken suit, and they very gladly gave me a full refund!

    Bottom line is take care of those that take care of you. I have never ordered from Cabela’s or Bass Pro. Biggest reason is shipping. I can drive to a store and get the same stuff without shipping. Gander even price matches Cabela’s, I never asked Scheels if they do.

    Posts: 4062

    I wish they would put a Scheels in Lakeville, I love the one in Mankato

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Scheels has great prices on ammo and firearms too

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    I have had pretty good luck with Gander and I like the service I get there, now..Coyote Creek..would take a truckload of t-shirts to get me in there..they bent me over while I was in college (needed a plug for my BPS to go goose hunting) and went in there last year for grins and giggles, and they flat out insulted me on an offer for trade in…Gander offered me 2x the amount, so they got the gun

    Posts: 39


    A few ye I never asked Scheels if they do.

    Scheels in Lincoln NE won’t price match!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I can’t figure out why people shop GM for the price matching! I understand lowest price mentality but in terms of gas expense and time expense, doesn’t it make more sense to support the people who are actually trying to take better care of you? If someone makes the effort to make something more affordable, why would you take that effort, with your wallet, over to the competition, who only agrees to give you that price “if they must???”

    The “big sales” are only designed to get you in the door and out of convenience, so they can price gouge you on something else to make up the difference! Trigger impulse, mix in a little convenience and Hey!, give the customer a laugh/smile/whatever equals a great shopping experience and BAMMM! You’ve spent more than you intended and chances are, you still didn’t get the best deal possible!!!

    Take the last 2 Cabela’s flyers: The gun sales look great………if you haven’t been to Fleet Farm! The sale price was higher than FF’s regular pricing! Being on the inside, I know that Cabela’s has more buying power than Fleet Farm so they’re still making more and bending more people over. And then I come into posts like these and “all hail Cabela’s” comes up. If that’s the place you like to shop, cool. But Cabela’s throws just as much snow as anyone else. Buying from Cabela’s or GM doesn’t equal any social status recognition either. I honestly wonder how those places do it!

    But why go to Fleet Farm, find a lower price, and then drive over to GM, get a price match, and buy from them instead??? Again, FF has a much smaller margin to work with, they’re the ones obviously trying harder to get your gun business, and for what? Helping the “less willing competition” out?

    Listen, if price is the issue, don’t gripe about the employees not being experts. Light a match under your own butt and do a little research. Find out what’s what and choose your choice, THEN go shopping! Go to your discount department store and reward them by buying from them. If price is the issue, this is how you should play.

    BUT…… if in-stock product selection is worth a little higher price, pay it, and never discuss pricing again. If talking with so-called “experts” is worth paying a little higher price, pay it, and never discuss pricing again! If great customer service means paying a little extra from time to time, pay it, and never discuss pricing again.

    If it’s only about the pricing, forget about all the extras, do your homework, and your bank account will love you! Shop everybody, vowing to only buy when the deal cannot be beat anywhere. Do not settle for price matching unless the originator of the sale is completely out of available product. Otherwise, you’re simply being roped into doors that are only opened by those who are willing to rob you blind if you give them an opportunity to do so.

    No one can be the lowest, all the time, on everything, UNLESS……… you use everybody and pay only the lowest bidder, everytime, on everything. That accomplishment happens through you, the shopper, not the retailer.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    I have had better luck with GM in St Cloud, than with Scheels (way too high priced on everything but 1 or 2 SALE items) The firearms guys are very helpful and knowledgeable. I rarely seek any advice in the fishing section( I already know it all). I also give Fleet Farm the thumbs up, but my one issue with them is, they do very little for the community, all proceeds head immediately to Brainerd.

    big g

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Well I ended up going back to Gander to get my money back. The pretty lill lady behind the counter had to call Cabelas to verify that I was not lying. She waited 30 seconds before hanging up the phone and said “Whatever”. Then she gave me $44.72 back.

    Well I guess it was worth giving them a piece of my mind and the hassle. I think my business at the Forest Lake Gander might be coming to a close.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Glad it worked out for you.

    I love Gander, Fleetfarm, Scheels, Cabela’s….etc.

    Posts: 1552


    and they flat out insulted me on an offer for trade in…Gander offered me 2x the amount, so they got the gun

    It’s funny how these posts start and sooner or later people start ripping on every place in the state. I have one thing to say about the above quote, buying power! Of course, Gander a multi million dollar operation, is going to offer you more. I think a few posts before yours someone mentioned they got a good deal on a new gun. I personally would rather give my money to the local guy trying to make it than to a multi million dollar company just concerned with the botton line.

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