A couple of years ago, I talked with a MN DNR officer who told me that if you are going to be staying in MN, you need a MN Lic. He said it is covered under the tranport laws. ????? The first call I made was to the state DNR office where I was told it was OK to stay in MN with a WI lic. The enforcement officer told me that the office people are not enforcement people and that they were wrong.
I always like to stay at Everts but if they are full, we always stayed in Red Wing. Not any more!!!! You can launch in MN with a WI lic. but when you pull out, you have to take the most direct route to your home. MN is the only state that has this law. You can stay in WI with an IA lic. or IA with a WI lic.
The officer I talked to was a real butt about it. Said that the only reason “you” people from IA get a WI lic. is so you can take home more fish. Well, the reason I use a WI lic. is because I have a place in WI where I fish all summer. They don’t care about you spending $$ on food, drink, gas, motels etc. in their state. I then asked, OK what if I live in ND and get tired driving home and want to stay night in MN. He really couldn’t answer that other than common sense has to be used.
There are allot of people who could get jammed up on this law!!!