How About Jail Time Also??

    Posts: 240

    Jail time,perhaps minimal like 3 months but I agree. Anyone that keeps some may over the limit should be jailed

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I agree, poachers should get fried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posts: 4062

    Sounds like something my old man would do

    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 317

    We can’t say they weren’t old enough to know any better!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    4 or 5 of those guys were 60 over the limit(possession limit 40)… thats 100 fish each.

    Those guys going to live long enough to clean those fish let alone eat them?

    This doesnt surprise me at all really, I was only surprised no MN names were involved.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Jail time may be the only way to stop poaching from happening. You not only break the law but you also hurt all other anglers that fish that body of water because you are hurting the fishery by taking too many fish. Plus it hurts the business’s in close by towns because the fishing went down hill from poaching. It effects ALOT of people.
    Thanks, Bill

    Posts: 1552

    Yes, they should have more of a punishment for these offenders. I am sure most of these people are more than willing to cut a check and get out of the state. They would have to think twice about it if there was jail time attached to their sentence.

    Dodge County MN
    Posts: 221

    And make them serve the jail time here – away from home – so its a major hassle for the folks they have at home….


    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    The drunk dude who ripped the head off a duck in a Twin Cities hotel is facing a felony charge for his treatment of that animal. Being over the limit is senseless killing as well and I agree, it effects a lot of people and I’d like to see things stiffened up A LOT!!!

    If we could get this raised to felony charge, they’d lose time, money, possessions, and future participation. I figure, if they’re poaching fish, they’re probably poaching animals too. Take away their guns and the ability to ever have one again. Then, take away licensing priviledges for good.

    You have to remove the desire to take a risk by substantially removing the value of taking that risk.

    Posts: 2014

    Some people are idiots. Reason # 1 I hardly EVER fill my limit… So I have to go back out and get more! Seriously though what is anyone ever going to do with that many fish? Forget jail time they should have a feww hundred hours of community service to help the local DNR with Restocking and maintiaining everything. For some of us I think we would find that a good time. For those idiots who only want to take they would find it misserable.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I have always wondered if people that get caught with possesion limits above and beyond what is legal what happens besides the fines?

    Does this give the C.O. probable cause to search thier home, freezers, storage sheds……………………..???

    Would the incrimanting evidence give the C.O. enough for a search warrant?

    If a guy is busted red handed slinging dope on the streets you think the cops are going to hit his house to look for more to add to the charges?

    Just wondering

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    We had this same discussion before about elderly people doing wrong. Why is it ok for them to do it and not be punished with jail time. I say throw them in a cell for at least a month and ban then from MN for ever!!

    Posts: 1399

    Sure hope those duffers aren’t on fixed incomes.

    Throw the book at em, I say!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I am not kidding. I could careless if the guy is 80 or not. It does not make sense.

    Catching that many fish is one thing. Killing that many is another thing.

    A reasonable person could believe that if a guy was to keep that many whats to say his freezer is not loaded with filets? If I had the authority to look in thier homes and open thiers freezers I would be there with whoever I could muster.

    Posts: 1399

    The irony of it all is if they do go to jail they will probably get served fish for dinner.

    (Don’t ask me how I know.)

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