That’s it… I’ve had it…

  • 3425522624
    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 129

    James, I feel your pain. I too, had come to a limit with these uninvited, rain sogged intrusions onto my property. We have one in our area called the HomeTowner. It’s nothing but a bunch of advertisements, with a few classifieds stuffed into a plastic bag, only to get tossed into the trash, thus adding to the overflow of our landfills, or and ending up in the bushes, to be found during fall clean up, and again adding to the overflow of our landfills. I contacted them by certified mail to cease and decist with their unwanted intrusion onto my property by their delivery personnel. I like John, theatened to bring legal action against the publication. Guess what? I haven’t received that disgustingly annoying publication in several years. Evidently, they took my threats seriously. I haven’t heard hide nor hair of them since. Happy day! No more annoying HomeTowner!! A certified letter stating the cell phone disaster and a threat to hold them civilly responsible for any further property damage of worse yet, personnal injury, that you could possibly encounter in the future, should get the job done. It worked for me.

    If that doesn’t work, perhaps you have an attorney friend who wants to get a good laugh and could send a letter on their letterhead with some legaleze type stuff that most of these simple minded people won’t probably understand, and they’ll quit immediately. The people that publish this kind of stuff aren’t exactly “rocket scientists”. You’ll scare ’em off.


    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    I guess coming from a small town I delivered these as a kid I got 5 cents per shopper. I was asked by many of the people on my route to not deliver them one and they never called the office about it. I just stopped leaving them and still got paid for their home delivery. It worked great for both, I got paid and they didn’t get their unwanted shopper. Plus it save me some walking or biking as a kid being I had 250 houses! Anyway it’s usually the local paper that distributes these give em a call. they will stop delivery in a week or two usually.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    1. Send ’em a bill for a new cell phone.

    2. Leave Oliver out front… on a very LONG chain.

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727


    Computer bag in one hand, cell phone in the other I just exited the front door and tripped on one of those weekly circulars that apparently appear out of nowhere under the cover of darkness. The case on the outside of my cell phone has a massive crack from where it was spiked on the concrete as I made the split second descision to save the computer and leave the phone to save itself.

    How come I got a visual of Dagwood coming out of his house as Blondie was sending him on his way to work?

    But I know what you mean. It is very tempting to just load the stuff up and throw it in the bushes ALONG side of the door at the distribution centers. If they would put them in the box or at least in the same spot each time it would not be so bad. But like mentioned before wait until winter or better yet wait until the snow melts and you will see how many you missed.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Yea right James,,, Ive still got that vacant spot in the back yard by my bushes, The brain dead mass publications of dumb is where id like to put them. Boy I get pissed on this one. Ya know the bad thing is im paying for all this crap because its tax deductable and for all this its delivered to my door,,,

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    Yup, Ollie may help……….. Otherwise you can borrow my paintball gun. Some waiting required, but the results are absolute dynamite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22766

    exhaust work…. laughed out loud there. Don’t forget about the coat hanger antennae…

    big g

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    And the plastic over the broken tail lens!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I’ve always found those little papers are great for wrapping fishguts in. More papers means it’s time to go fishing again.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946


    I hate those “shoppers” or what ever the heck they are that get thrown on the front steps.

    There’s the bulletins that get stuck in the jamb of the front door, mailers that get tossed in the bushes next to the steps, plastic wrapped news-letts that get hung on the front door.

    But maybe the bigger question is… how can a guy get them to stop w/o sitting on Stoop Watch 24/7?

    I dont get any of these fliers except on my windshield from time to time(truck not in garage)

    I have a fence in the front yard, and a beware of dog sign. We always have at least one light left on indoors(looks like someone is awake).

    My guess is that its not worth the risk to them, our neighbors get all the junk, we dont.

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