That’s it… I’ve had it…

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Computer bag in one hand, cell phone in the other I just exited the front door and tripped on one of those weekly circulars that apparently appear out of nowhere under the cover of darkness. The case on the outside of my cell phone has a massive crack from where it was spiked on the concrete as I made the split second descision to save the computer and leave the phone to save itself.

    I hate those “shoppers” or what ever the heck they are that get thrown on the front steps.

    There’s the bulletins that get stuck in the jamb of the front door, mailers that get tossed in the bushes next to the steps, plastic wrapped news-letts that get hung on the front door.

    I never read this garbage. I never asked for any of it. How is it possible that throwing a gum wrapper into a ditch is a ticketable offense but these guys can go house to house methodically depositing garbage on everyone’s lawn and stoop?

    I’d like to get about 500 of those water-logged shoppers saved up so I could take them and throw them, one by one and over the course of a noon hour, at the front door of the place that prints and distributes this garbage.

    But then I’d be willing to bet that I’d be the one that got ticketed for littering.

    But maybe the bigger question is… how can a guy get them to stop w/o sitting on Stoop Watch 24/7?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Sorry to hear it James, but it is kind of funny.

    I just wish I could have saw it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Don’t you remmber the Seinfeld episode, where Kramer tried to stop the mail ?

    big g

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    I’d like to get about 500 of those water-logged shoppers saved up

    I’ll bring the pile I have to your house. I won’t throw them at your door. I’ll just stack them neatly in front of the door.

    Or…….maybe I’ll take them and build a replica of stone henge in your front yard.

    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    Hey if it gets to cold for the kids to fish during the day next week when we come up I’ll rent you my kids to ambush them when they through that stuff on the step.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Sorry to hear it James, but it is kind of funny.

    I just wish I could have saw it.

    I was definitely looking for a way to laugh this off but I would love to know of a solution to stopping these guys from throwing this garbage at the front of the house.

    Anyone? Posting a sniper in the tree would be effective but not very practical.. lol

    I know I could buy a mean dog and chain it in the front yard… but they’d just throw over the dog.

    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    How about some police line tape, and maybe a chalk figure drawn on the sidewalk for good measure???

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    It litterally took 3 years, the attourney gerneral, 10 letters and untold number of phone calls and the threat of a law suit to get them to stop depositing “garbage” on my property.

    Good luck with that and welcome to home ownership!


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    IMORTANT FOR WHOEVER ENTERS HERE. You are now being giving notice that we no longer want any flyiers, newspapers, promotional advertisments, anything thats been printed on paper or wrapped in plastic. IF YOU DO I will file a complaint, then seek leagal advice. You are now officially being givin Notice. This excludes the mailman.

    Have this printed on a piece of cardboard the put in a clear bag then hang on fence or beside the door in orange letters for the blind. For the ones who can’t read tell them you have a spot by the bushes in the back yard for them thats vacant and open!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    It litterally took 3 years, the attourney gerneral, 10 letters and untold number of phone calls and the threat of a law suit to get them to stop depositing “garbage” on my property.

    Good luck with that and welcome to home ownership!


    I will definitely have to pick your brain on what you did to get it to stop. I honestly can’t believe anyone, any home owner anywhere, would want these things.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    IMORTANT FOR WHOEVER ENTERS HERE. You are now being giving notice that we no longer want any flyiers, newspapers, promotional advertisments, anything thats been printed on paper or wrapped in plastic. IF YOU DO I will file a complaint, then seek leagal advice. You are now officially being givin Notice. This excludes the mailman.

    Have this printed on a piece of cardboard the put in a clear bag then hang on fence or beside the door in orange letters for the blind. For the ones who can’t read tell them you have a spot by the bushes in the back yard for them thats vacant and open!

    I don’t want to have to put up a sign. I shouldn’t have to do that. My neighbor doesn’t have a sign telling me not to park on his lawn. He doesn’t need one. I just know that isn’t acceptable, appropriate or legal.

    I bet if I picked up the shoppers that now sit on the front steps, 3 of them at this point, and threw them on the neighbors lawn, that neighbor could get me ticketed for littering. And rightfully so. It should be just as illegal to put them on my front steps, without expressed permission to do so, in the first place.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    So James perhaps I overlooked this. Did you move into your new place????

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    No… just there on a visit to check on progress. We’re at the taping / sanding part of the project. The outside is done so apparently we’re open for business in regards to the shoppers on the steps.

    Posts: 6259

    This is in line with telemarketers, nothing worse than coming home from a long day at work, just sitting down to a meal and the phone rings, you get up to get it and somebody on the other line would like some of your money. They made a do not call list for that (I do not mind the canvasing for charity) they should do the same for this crap. If you chose not to have this stuff dropped at your doorstep they they should know not to…..There should be a law!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    There should be a law!

    To be honest… I’m a little suprised there isn’t one now.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817


    The outside is done so apparently we’re open for business in regards to the shoppers on the steps.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    This link will help get rid of credit offers and things of that nature. Try this

    I recently moved, before I did I was able to fill out a form that stopped most of that stuff. But I cant find the extra copies I had for the life of me. If I do I will let you know.

    I know some people were in your situation and they got a P.O. box. That will knock out a bunch of it.

    Hope this helps

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    These people are being paid by someone to deliver them.
    Call the advetising number inside the front page and start asking who you talk to to deliver these. Once you get to the top find out who your carrier is and be sure they know you don’t want anymore of them.

    I had the same problem with my local shopper. Called them and they kept coming until I started taking down the “paper box” they attached to my mail box. Now they leave me alone.

    It just takes a little investigating to get to the right person, then it will stop, until you get a new delivery person!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    My sympathy sir.
    I doubt you’ll get a ‘law’ passed, since a law would also ban the political junk we get stuck in our doors each year. I just don’t see them cutting their owns throats on this one.
    I don’t have the heart to say what I’m thinking right now, so I’ll tell you what fishing machine would say to me if it was I who fell:
    “Pick up yer feet when you walk”.
    Hope you’re ok though.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Here is the deal. You can get the contact information off the advertisement. (Publisher, distributor, owner.) When you contact these people and request to get off their distribution list, they say “Sure, no problem.” However, you soon find out that adds do not stop arriving. On the call back you are told the people who deliver the ads are “Independent Contractors” and we have no control over them. BS! Then it’s pulling teeth to get the names and number of these highly paid and educated delivery people and communicate to them to STOP IT!!!

    Here is what you need to do. Communicate in writing on everything. Send a letter to the General Attorney’s office with all of the copies of the letters if you are getting nowhere. Threaten legal action at every communication level and every person you talk to. Be an A-hole!

    In my case the attorney general did get involved and I’m told legal action was taken. I did not get all of the details from the AG’s office, but the garbage did stop for the most part. Every once in a while one gets dropped off, but nothing like before. I must be on a “Special” list….


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    When you get mailbox, you can look forward to having all kinds of this stuff jammed in there. I’m amazed anyone gets any business from this form of advertising. I only empty mine about twice a year. They even put the crap in the mailboxes that don’t have houses in our development.

    So, here is who these rocket scientists are. One night, fairly late last summer, the wife and I garage drinking. Here comes a car racing into the development about the midnight hour. they slam on the brakes, slide up, throw sh_t in my mailbox and tear off. I yell something about slow down as they leave. 15 minutes later, here they come 50+ MPH out of the development. I wasn’t able to get the license plate number, but did definitely understand the F bomb and fingers pointed at me. I’m of course half loaded and ready to go. Thank god the wife is the calm voice of reason at our house. I waited until the next day. I called the paper who they were delivering for. Waconia news blah, blah, blah. They wouldn’t answer their phone. So, I kept calling, leaving messages. Never got a call back. Sadly, when I left the development these A holes were still pulling this stuff. The wife wouldn’t let me spike their tires or water baloun them in Dec. She’s just no fun…

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    I honestly can’t believe anyone, any home owner anywhere, would want these things.


    Perhaps you’d like to meet my wife! If it’s got information, including sales and events, she WANTS to know about it! She will even call if one doesn’t show up to see if she can still get one. It’s like and addiction, only legal and without physical side effects! I’ve actually wondered to myself how many trees we’d save if we could only get her to stop wanting…….. a product to recycle every week!!!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    People may ask, what’s the big deal….just toss it out. Here is the deal living in the city. Take a week of vacation. Real easy to stop the mail. But that pile of crap on the door step and in the driveway screams “HEY CRIMINALS – IM NOT HOME – COME ON IN AND ROB ME!!!!!” It’s a huge frustration.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Ok, last one…..

    Wait until winter after a snow storm when you get one of those papers sucked up into your snow blower. And you think Andrew Dice Clay can swear….


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721


    Wait until winter after a snow storm when you get one of those papers sucked up into your snow blower.

    Been there, done THAT! Nothing stops that engine faster than one of those rolled up water soaked papers. And now how do you get it out of there without leaving fingers behind? The air turned blue….I used a keyhole saw to reach in there and cut the thing apart. Once free the auger did spin half a turn too which would have cut me up it I had reached in there.

    For a while I had these bozos throwing the the plastic gbagged flyer up on my roof! I finally told them that I would be sending them a bill to cover the cost of the guy who had to climb up there and retrieve the darned things. That stopped delivery for almost a year.


    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Just tell the kid delivering them not to leave you one. Most of the time the kid will stop dropping it off because its one less house to stop at and he still will get paid for yours too:D

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Just tell the kid delivering them not to leave you one. Most of the time the kid will stop dropping it off because its one less house to stop at and he still will get paid for yours too:D

    I’ve never, ever seen anything delivered to the house. Believe me… I would convince them to stop if I had the opportunity.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Just tell the kid delivering them not to leave you one.

    Never once seen a kid doing this job. Mostly 40+ YO men who have the look like they are on parole or even older guys who appear to be in the retired age range. They all drive cars that need exhaust work….


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Mostly 40+ YO men who have the look like they are on parole or even older guys who appear to be in the retired age range. They all drive cars that need exhaust work….

    HEY! I resemble that!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    They all drive cars that need exhaust work….


    You nailed it!!!

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