Computer bag in one hand, cell phone in the other I just exited the front door and tripped on one of those weekly circulars that apparently appear out of nowhere under the cover of darkness. The case on the outside of my cell phone has a massive crack from where it was spiked on the concrete as I made the split second descision to save the computer and leave the phone to save itself.
I hate those “shoppers” or what ever the heck they are that get thrown on the front steps.
There’s the bulletins that get stuck in the jamb of the front door, mailers that get tossed in the bushes next to the steps, plastic wrapped news-letts that get hung on the front door.
I never read this garbage. I never asked for any of it. How is it possible that throwing a gum wrapper into a ditch is a ticketable offense but these guys can go house to house methodically depositing garbage on everyone’s lawn and stoop?
I’d like to get about 500 of those water-logged shoppers saved up so I could take them and throw them, one by one and over the course of a noon hour, at the front door of the place that prints and distributes this garbage.
But then I’d be willing to bet that I’d be the one that got ticketed for littering.
But maybe the bigger question is… how can a guy get them to stop w/o sitting on Stoop Watch 24/7?