Here we go again!

  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Ive noticed when your in a pretty darn fast boat that its over the fish before they can react….. I bet if your going 50+ mph that they will jump BEHIND you….. of course if Im wrong… *WHAM*… fish in the kisser going potentially around 80MPH.. your speed + theirs coming at you head on!…. *ouch*….. hmmmmm maybe thats how Mudlnthru got that sheepie jammed so far down his craw? havent seen that many flying sheepies… but maybe he got “sleepy” and whas counting “sheepies” while blasting along on the river…. and suddenly one of em turned real! (or is that reel? )

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The higher the speed of the propeller the higher the fish jumps it said. Sure glad I love to troll ”real” slow. Seriously, these things could really cramp our style big time if and when they get up this far. There has to be some way of stopping them. Anybody heard what the DNR or Coast Guard plans to do about these carp? Thanks, Bill

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Hmmm, maybe it’s the Big Head Carp that scared the Zebra Mussels to death…

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Noticed today that AOL also did a story on them. It’s getting to be a pretty big topic and just might start creating some real heat for the fish farms having exotic species……………or maybe having exotic species at all………..I dunno. But as this spreads across the country, I can see a big enough outcry to demand something be done.

    The AOL report also mentioned the higher rpm creates the higher jump. Maybe sound frequencies have a potential of controlling the fish?

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063


    Ive noticed when your in a pretty darn fast boat that its over the fish before they can react….. I bet if your going 50+ mph that they will jump BEHIND you

    Sound travels 1500 meters/sec in water. Even the infamous Purple Stroker is going 1/10th that speed. Think about how raindrops feel at 30mph on a bike or in a boat, then imagine getting hit by a ten pound carp at 50. A real neck-breaker.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    yep Gianni I hear ya… but its a matter of reaction times… for SURE they hear ya coming… but what they have trouble judging is just how fast your coming…. and by the time they figure out your coming right at them they react, but too late…. and jump behind ya…. they are just not used to things moving at extreme speeds… its just not natural… they can react to speeds that occur in nature.. let say even 30 -40 mph… but it just seems there is a threshold they dont react quick enough on…. Ive been in a lot of boats… most of them the fish jump just in front or right even with you… but the really fast ones they jump behind….. last time I really noticed it I was in Jon J’s yarcraft zooming across a calm and smooth st croix… I was looking back in amusement watching the fish jumping all over in our wake… instead of right by the boat….. I should have been recording it with digital video….. maybe we can have Jon do that the next time he is out zooming along….. should be interesting….

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