Gun free zones…

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Aren’t schools already gun-free zones? I don’t think murderers will adhere to the fine print.

    My prayers go out to the families of those hurt in this shooting.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    What we truly need is more criminal and mentally unstable free zones!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Could also use more involved and responsible parents, and a more responsible society.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Yeah, schools are gun free. It is hard to sense sarcasm by reading the print here. Gun free zones are nothing more than an invitation to hurt the innocent.

    Posts: 405


    Could also use more involved and responsible parents, and a more responsible society.


    Posts: 179

    Guns Kill people just like a spoon made Rosie O’donnel Fat.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    I am in Ohio right now on business… It is kind of the talk of the town. Personally? In these high schools… arm the teachers. Would be less fatalities. They seem to be old enough to make the decision to kill others… let the parents protect the other students best they can.

    Stacy, MN
    Posts: 94


    I am in Ohio right now on business… It is kind of the talk of the town. Personally? In these high schools… arm the teachers. Would be less fatalities. They seem to be old enough to make the decision to kill others… let the parents protect the other students best they can.

    I’ll agree, if the teachers were packin the students would think twice before pointing a gun at someone.

    Posts: 687

    Yep, all we need are some Blackwater teachers running around with their fingers on the trigger. I think the idea of a gun free zones are secured areas where no one comes in without proper identification and being scanned. But that concept seems to be beyond a lot of people.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Absolutely no one is suggesting we hand out gun to teachers or janitors. Fact is most teachers by nature are not “wired” to be carriers. By and far the majority seem to be democratic conservatives and the very idea goes against their beliefs. Not all, but seemingly most. Is that a bad thing? Certainly not. That just means that the majority of them are not the right person for the job.

    What people are saying is very simple. Those who take the proper training and meet the requirements set by the state to legally protect themselves with a concealed gun should be able to do so. That includes in their home, car, and any other public place they visit. As mentioned earlier “Gun Free” simply translates to “Crime not enforced here”.

    I see no way of scanning and checking the ID’s of everyone in a gun free zone. It would be impossible to do so in a school. I’ve never heard of that even being attempted. Like any gun restriction law gun free simply means there are no honest, innocent, law abiding citizens around able to protect themselves. Gun Free zones need to be eradicated and quickly.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    We just need some lawmakers to outlaw murder and be done with it….

    I was thinking of this today…as there was a teacher in the news packing (I think it was because of an ex boy friend). I thought of all of my teachers…I’m thinking arming all the teachers…just might not work.

    It’s beyond me why anyone would want to advertise a “Gun Free Zone” or “X company does not allow guns on it’s premiss’s” signs.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438


    It’s beyond me why anyone would want to advertise a “Gun Free Zone” or “X company does not allow guns on it’s premiss’s” signs.

    I don’t think the signs are there to stop crimes (not sure many criminals could read it anyway ). I would guess it is for legal protection from getting sued? If an establishment allows guns and then the responsible guy with a concealed weapon looses it and shots someone, I can guarantee you that establishment will get sued. If the sign was there not allowing guns, it may protect that establishment? I have no idea but companies seem to go to great lengths to avoid getting sued.

    Posts: 592

    We need crimnal free zones, not gun free zones.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    IMO. It would not matter if teachers or security have guns. Most of these kids don’t care whether they live or not and I think the majority have taken their own lives anyway! We need more preventative methods applied.

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1093

    How about this?

    Parents don’t allow their children to watch violent movies, violent TV, and play violent videogames.

    Parents take their kids hunting and fishing so they can understand what the results of shooting a gun really is (it’s not like the movies), and understand that death is a very real part of life.

    How about parents GET INVOLVED IN PARENTING, watch what your kids do, be involved in their life, teach them the important lessons in life (the difference b/t right and wrong), give tough love discipline when appropriate, and occasionally a good spanking when they need it.

    Give kids what they really want and need… a good parent.
    Just my take on things.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464


    IMO. It would not matter if teachers or security have guns. Most of these kids don’t care whether they live or not and I think the majority have taken their own lives anyway! We need more preventative methods applied.

    I’ve read replies similar to this on several forums. And I believe your all correct. Missing the point, but correct. I’m not suggesting that schools have teachers or security personel in place to kill someone that comes in shooting, that would be a fringe benefit. The reason is simply to limit the carnage. In Virginia Tech I believe 32 people were killed. I choose not to count the killer as he was a scumbag coward that took the easy way out. Anyhow the total number killed or wounded could have been greatly reduced had just one teacher, the old war veteran who forcibly held the door shut to allow students escape before he himself was shot and killed, was armed. There is no doubt in my mind this man this, hero, would have killed the scumbag on the spot. Instead of 32 maybe the total would have been half that, I don’t know. But I’m certain it would have been less. For anyone here reading this look at it this way. Assume your child was at VT and was the last one that was killed. Let’s pretend we can change the ending just a little. Let’s say that as the scumbag was going to turn and kill your kid a teacher came around the corner and killed the shooter first. Your child now lived and didn’t so much as get wounded. Would your perspective change?

    I don’t consider whether or not the shooter in a school cares if he lives or dies. Once someone begins shooting unarmed people as we’ve seen in schools I figure someone else’s 9mm or sniper rifle is the best judge, jury, and executioner we could ask for. And the sooner the better.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I just don’t think there’s any quick, easy answers to this issue. 45% of the country is scared to death of any firearm for any purpose. 45% of the country embraces CC and would like to see more citizens able to protect themselves. The other 10% is passive to a fault and figures if they had an opinion, it’d only upset someone so they’d rather not get involved with either agenda.

    I don’t think arming teachers and co-workers, purposefully, is the right measure. I do think everyone in this world has the right to defend themselves. Companies afraid of lawsuits only need embrace employment-at-will waivers. Many of our southern states have guns on many, many hips. CC is still among them. I don’t hear of these types of crimes happening in these regions. Hmmm…… might be something to look into.

    Another point…… why don’t people who have a beef with cops go on shooting sprees at police precincts??? FBI buildings??? Gun ranges??? Anywhere that most attendees are likely to be armed???

    Something does need to change and I think it’s fear.

    As I grow older, I find myself feeling a little less bold. More ornery, but not so bold. I have courage when I need it but I’m becoming fearful. Fearful of those who might prey on me in vulnerable areas. Stadiums. Parking Lots. Church. School grounds. College Campuses. Banks. Restaurants. Work. I WANT to be able to even the odds up and carry a weapon as a LAST RESORT. I want my constitutional right to bear arms defended and upheld, for my benefit, not to cater to the fears of those afraid of the tool. I’ll protect them just the same but these people are making a victim out of me by forcing anti-laws down my throat! They don’t get the bigger picture. They haven’t visited areas where the people are helpless. Countries. Cultures. Nations. Providences.

    Getting rid of the arms has never yielded the results desired by those who embrace it’s ideal. Only the presence of power preserves freedom for the innocent, and that power cannot come from those that rule over the people. It has to come from the people themselves. If a firearm scares someone to losing bodily function, they need to embrace someone who will do it for them and trust that everything will be just fine.

    Has anyone ever confronted someone when you were clearly armed??? I’ll tell ya……. it’s eye opening! Not knowing if the trespassers were armed or not, I went in after them, carrying a shotgun in a non-agressive fashion. I wanted them to know that I had the ultimate ability to protect myself if forced to. Turns out they were unarmed so again, I did everything to show them that I’m not being aggressive. The shotgun wasn’t waiving around or ever moved to point toward any of them. When walking out, I walked along side of them, barrell pointing away from them. When they were off my propery, I opened the action up and cradled the firearm in a safe direction.

    These people made an error and we never heard from them again. I apologized to them for frightening them by being armed but they defended me and said I wasn’t threatening or offensive. It was just the idea that I had a gun that made them very nervous and cooperative. How was I to know they weren’t armed?

    In the case of conceal and carry, if they know it’s legal in my state, they might consider that they don’t know if I’m packin’ or not……… or they might not. But in areas LIKELY TO BE ARMED, cowards don’t go looking for a fight. Offenders might not need to see a gun to be “nervous and cooperative.”

    People are still murdered everywhere. This will never change. But the research is consistant, everywhere as well. The more power within the people, the less crime is committed. Fear of dying overcomes the anger of aggressive response.

    I don’t know…….. there’s no simple answer but fearing firearms isn’t the solution. Banning firearms is the first step to surrendering to predators everywhere.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464


    Another point…… why don’t people who have a beef with cops go on shooting sprees at police precincts??? FBI buildings??? Gun ranges??? Anywhere that most attendees are likely to be armed???

    So well said! I agree with nearly 100% of your post. Very, very well said, thank you! I agree that “purposely” arming teachers (or the like) is NOT the answer. But allowing them to carry if they earn the right to do so should be encouraged. There is a difference isn’t there. Great post.

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