The redfishing has been phenominal the last few days. At high tide it is nearly impossible to not catch one on every cast. The Bfishn jig and paddletails have been ripping them up. Picture is my brother with a 25 incher. Size limit is 18 to 28 inch and only one a day per person. This one made its way to dinner table tonight. I realized today it is impossible to take pictures while fishing these as in order to do so I would have to stop fishing. Oh, by the way – I went through 35 paddletails today if that gives you any indication of the amount of fish hooked. Arm feels like jelly, but going back out at 7am high tide for some more tomorrow! Not really missing the cold weather in Wisconsin either. Much easier to rehab my knee while fishing here..ha ha!
October 4, 2007 at 4:51 am