Building a built in gun cabinet

  • mskyfshntchr
    Dodge Center, MN
    Posts: 192

    We recently purchased a different house and need to put in a gun cabinet.
    I have a closet that has some extra room and I am going to build it into that. There will be a coat rack in front of it. I have room to make it 1′ deep and the size of the closet, which is about 4′ wide and 7′ tall.

    I want to build it as concealed as possible. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on a concealed lock system so if someone was to look behind the jackets, it would look like the wall. It could be something you designed or something I can buy.
    Also, if you have any other tips for me that you have found useful in your gun cabinet.

    Posts: 1399

    My stepdad has something similar, except that he has a whole room behind the closet. I call it the “Bat Cave”. Anyhow, his closet is tongue and groove and the rear panel completely pulls out…you would never be able to tell if you weren’t keen to the fact! Once inside the room he has his big gunsafe which he keeps locked.

    Milan Il
    Posts: 407

    I have had just about every kind of gun cabinet’s there are from self standing to built in, Last year I purchased a safe at the end of the season for about $200.00 It is by far the best solution and what I would recomend for several reasons 1. It’s fireproof 2. it has a electronic lock that can be set to any combination ,making it very accesable to you if you need a gun quickly, and still making it impossible for anyone else or your kids from getting to your guns. 3. It’s almost impossible for a thief to get it out of your house. and if you look around you can get one for about the same amount you would spend building something. The peace of mind is priceless. My two cents

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22635

    I too used to “hide” my guns. I bought a safe 2 years ago, I did not find one for $200 like Tony , but the same features & about 4 X as much. I guess I really didn’t know what it felt like to have my guns secured, I do now, and would not trade my safe for anything.

    big g

    Posts: 251

    Safe is the way to go

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    Safe is the way to go

    Yep, get the kind that takes three buddies and a twelve pack to get inside the house.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240



    Safe is the way to go

    Yep, get the kind that takes three buddies and a twelve pack to get inside the house.

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