Idle hands and Freetime

  • trumar
    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    I work all week long looking forward to the weekends to go fishing, when the weather does’nt permit me to do so,I get depressed.(ya know just wishing I was fishing kind of depression)
    I have hobbies other than fishing but they have to do with fishing such as making and tying jigs or building rods. I enjoy it but it always reminds me of fishing and i get even more depressed .
    I know when the weather is bad I still can go , I choose not to go so not lose any time from work from being sick or possibly get my other 1/2 or the kids sick.

    My “honey do” lists are usually real small so it leaves me with a fair share of idle time on my hands on the weekends.

    What do you guys or gals do when you choose not to fish on the weekends?

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    Last weekend I worked. All weekend so when the weather is good I can go out. Or I just put on my raingear if I have no work to do.

    Posts: 405

    Last weekend the wife and I went to the local archery shop and honed some skills for when the weather decides to cooperate! Gotta love fall hunt, fish, work

    Posts: 268

    I have this same problem. When I can’t be outdoors I get real angry. The makes me get out of the house then or I am unbarable to live with.

    Posts: 2627

    I chase mama around the house!!!! I may be old but I’m not dead!!!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I know exactly what you are talking about

    I play poker (online) for most of my freetime, I don’t know, I guess I’m kind of tired of playing poker, I used to go for drives in the car or truck, but with gas prices now, it seems kind of stupid to go spend $40 to drive around. When the wife and kid aren’t around otherwise we spend family time together, of course I enjoy the family time, but I miss the fishing time too. I’d probably go fishing in the rain just the same if I had a willing party to go with me, normally that doesn’t happen. I also need a new Rain coat

    Sometimes a sick day is good for those days you’re sick of everything else but fishing Sick of work is an illness too isn’t it?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    I chase mama around the house!!!! I may be old but I’m not dead!!!

    Couldnt help notice there was NO mention of catching her

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607


    I chase mama around the house!!!! I may be old but I’m not dead!!!

    Good one! [can’t believe I said that outloud]

    Posts: 2627

    I have two replies so I’ll use them both!!!

    1)A Gentleman never tells

    2)At my age chasing is almost as much fun as catching!

    Posts: 1399

    I go for drives on rainy days and burn up that cheap gas. Me and the dog sometimes put on a couple hundered miles just looking at scenery, checking out places to hunt, checking boat ramps at likely fishing lakes….well, we did until the little guy was born anyway. Now, we spend time with him and watch him grow. If mom says it’s O.K. we drive down to Cabelas and spend money! Rainy weekends aren’t all bad I guess.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3065

    I make sure all of my honey do list is done/quality time has been had, then I’m free once the weather breaks!


    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    think about fishing

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    I think it was Little Jimmy Dickens who jokingly said….My wife said let’s run upstairs and make love….he replied back….at my age we can’t do both!

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    I have two replies so I’ll use them both!!!

    1)A Gentleman never tells

    2)At my age chasing is almost as much fun as catching!

    the reason for them 2 replies is because you are not even close to being a gentlemen. you are a redneck!!!!!

    the 2nd reason is because you can’t chase the wife unless you are in the boat and Jr. is driving.

    I just usually spend time with the wife and kids and go and waste hard earned money.


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