Lake Osakis

  • gary_wellman
    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I’ve been invited to go to Lake Osakis in the 3rd week in October. Can anyone shed a little light as if there are any specific walleye patterns for that lake in the fall? This is my first trip to there in many years and the first time going in the fall. My initial theory is to pull cranks along the weed break lines and also work the flats out there with Lindy Rig / spinners???


    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    I think you are on the right track. Try livebait rigging out on the bars during the day and troll cranks shallow at night. I would concentrate on the bars that drop off to the deepest water. Keep in contact I may be there in Oct. thanks, Don.

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    That is one lake I hate. Too many bullheads and rock bass. I’m sure I just had a bad experience. Good luck to you.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    A few rock bass I guess but I have not been bothered with heads. Hey the bullheads are great smoked, if you get on a hot head bite let me know!

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    Mid July, mid lake bars, spinners and crawlers and they were going nuts. Big ones too. James was there. In fact we were playing ring around the rosy.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    No kidding, I was there the first part of July and never got touched. In fact people were targeting the heads and would only get a couple a day.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I remember that all to well. Promised myself I would NEVER, EVER go back to that lake. They had a USFA tourney and an Lion’s Club Sponsored tourney going on at the same time on a lake that just isn’t big enough for a serious event. There were boats everywhere on every piece of structure and we all literally took turns catching bullheads off a couple humps were a few walleyes came early in the day. At the weigh in I thought guys were going to skin the directors alive. No fun.

    They were big though…


    Mid July, mid lake bars, spinners and crawlers and they were going nuts. Big ones too. James was there. In fact we were playing ring around the rosy.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Thanks for responding guys. I’m new to the website and I love it. A lot of good people sharing good info. Everyone seems real friendly. I just started fishing the river (pool 3 & 4) the past few years. I’m still learning a lot down there. I just can’t seem to get myself to try those soft plastics (superdoo’s). I’ve mostly just worked it in the spring and fall (very little in the fall). 90% of my walleye fishing is lakes, so I got a longs ways to go to learn the system. Thanks again for the input. I’ll let you know how we did when I get back!!!

    Thanks again!

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    James, it is never good to have a situation like that when you are on the water. You may have to give it another try under better conditions. Besides the eyes a person can pull some dandy smallies off the bars.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    In looking at the map. Would you focus more on 4 mile and Johnson bars? It would appear that 4 mile might be better for early morning.

    Also, have you trolled much along Coon, Caughren, & Lindberg points (along the break lines)???

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    early morning I would troll the contours along 2 mile bar. from the point to about halfway down the towards three mile. Next give Miller point a shot. As far as fishing the bars, 4 mile is a good choice and so is Andersons. They are easy to find but if you would like I can give you some coordinates. See ya on the water, Don

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    The coordinates would be much easier, if you’re willing to give them up. I really appreciate the info. I will difinetly give you a report when I get back!

    Thanks again!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I apologize for being so negative in that last post and I do applaud Don Hanson for being so helpful. I re-read my contribution and wished I had kept my mouth shut.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    It’s all cool. I didn’t take it that way. Got to share the bad experiences right along with the good ones too!

    In exchange, we’ll have to set up a day to hit the river. You can show me how your catching those eyes down there below Redwing on Ringworms…….I have never tried it, so I have no confidence. Using bass lures to catch walleyes seems to out of kilter to me……..But like I said earlier, I’m new to walleye river fishing.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Give me a holler and we’ll talk Gary!

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    James, I did not take your post in a negitive way either. The bars and humps can get crowded out there. I can imagine what it was like with two tournies going on.
    Gary, I will try to shoot you some waypoints later this weekend. Keep in touch and we may see you there. Don

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