Mole problem

  • jbob
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 725

    How do you get rid of moles in your yard? We tried traps, no luck. We bought poisin and put down their runs, no luck. It seems that they are making new runs when I do something to the old runs.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Walk down the runs, flattening them as you go. About 9:00am till 11:00am and 1:00pm till 3 or 4:00pm they will be reopening the runs. Watch for the dirt over the old runs to rise as he’s reopening the run and spear a shovel in behind them. Flip the mole out onto the ground and whack him. Walk/sneak very sofly as they can detect vibrations as you approach. They are territorial so the work of one will look like there are many.
    Works for me. Sometimes the coyotes will take care of the problem for me if the moles happen to be working at night.

    Posts: 261

    stick the garden hose down the fresh runs and have a rake ready to do the kill.

    Iowa, Knoxville
    Posts: 525

    I use a 12 ga on the little #^##’s A bit noisey but fun.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5709

    A guy I work with had a yard full of the &^$&( things…He put down grub killer all over his lawn. The idea was that if you killed off their food then they’d move on. It seemed to work.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 965

    My wife found this recipe in a gardening magazine and we have used it several times, succesfully. I think the hot stuff gets on their paws and they don’t like that so they move on to the neighbors (who we keep this a secret from) Good luck


    1 –1 ½ tbsp of Tabasco sauce
    1 tbsp of liquid dish soap
    1 tsp of chili powder
    1 qt. of water.

    Simply pour this tonic in mole runways and holes and they’ll run away.

    I usually doubled the dosage of Tabasco/hot sauce and chili powder – the hotter the better.

    I too have heard of the grub killer applications but depending on the size of your yard can be a little pricey. This is an economical solution – hope it works for you.

    Omaha, Ne
    Posts: 180

    I’ve done what Rootski mentioned and it worked.

    Posts: 268

    hook a hose up to a exhaust pipe on a 4-wheeler or motorcyle, stick it in the runway and let er eat. that worked for me.

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    I used to have this problem, what worked for me was to step down all there tunnels then turn on the sprinkler!!

    It will start tunneling to get away from the water and it cannot sence your viberation. Then cut them in half with a spade shovel…This has worked very well for me! Good Luck

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    You need what is called a scissor trap. Huge problem with moles in Florida and this is the only thing that works.

    Zumbro Falls Mn.
    Posts: 387

    These moles can sure be a frustration to no end! I have been plagued with them. Here’s the things I’ve tried. Pellet type poisons, gummy worm type poison worms, exhaust off the old dirt bike, harpoon type traps, and the douple loop type traps. I even did the last resort of broadcast the grub and insect killer granuals. Didn’t like that. The bag said keep kids and pets off for a couple days after usuage. It also seemed like when the moles couldn’t find the food it made them mad and they really went wild looking for some food.

    I also agree with herb about the time of day thing.

    The posion worms were being ate. I marked where I put them and they were gone after 24 hours.

    The traps: harpoon type, I found it best to pre-set it off and make pilot holes in the dirt for the spikes to enter. Also placement of the trap needs to be straddleing the tunnel perfect. I’ve seen where the run will actually go around the trap. The double loop trap in my opinion is by far a better trap than the spike kind. I does have a slight learing curve, but once ya get it figured out you can really do a job on ’em. The loops have to be below the tunnel for sure, and if you push the ground down under the trip pan that helps too.

    The scissor type that Lou mentiones look to me like the best idea ever. Just step on it and it’s set. Nasty looking bad boy for sure. Spendy but what’s worse a land mine field for a lawn or spending some cash on a good trap?

    I think I’m finally winnin!!!

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Here”s a web site….never had the little buggers…but the 12 ga idea sounds like the most fun

    go-fish metro
    Posts: 119

    Fleet farm has the best traps,the nieghbor is 6 for 6 this year.Make sure traps are in a straight path.
    good luck.

    Jeff Bennett
    Lake Puckaway Wi.
    Posts: 1180

    The watering the lawn will do the trickand also the ferterlizer will get them to move also, otherwise result to the shotgun if this fails Good luck.

    quad cities, il
    Posts: 176

    yep, stomp the run down at night and come back in the morning with the shovel. in fact, i just got one the other day doing this. i have young kids and pets so i avoid the poisons and traps. plus sometimes when you kill off all the grubs, they will just switch to eating worms.

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