He mentioned it was a single axel trailer. It was a 18.5′ boat, and a single axel is very border line for that size boat. My uncle runs a 18.5′ YarCraft and has a single axel and has always had uneven wear problems.
A single isn’t necessarily borderline for that size boat. If anything, the axle is maybe borderline for weight capacity, but a larger axle would probably help. A single axle trailer will bounce more than a tandem will.
I put a lot of miles on that trailer, over 10,000 a year to be exact. It was not the best trailer. The manufacturer should have put a tandom axel trailer under it or a much heavier axel. I now own a tandom axel trailer and just had it aligned last year. At the first sign of unusual tire wear I will have it aligned again. I still pull it 10,000 + a year and alignments are a maitence issue a lot of people over look. Besides you can’t miss every pothole out there.
Oh yea, I had new tires put on my truck today. I also had them do an alignment. It was just enough out of alignment that it would have worn the tires if not adjusted. I spent over $800.00 for tires and the 4 wheel alignment was only $85.00. Because of the alignment my $800 should get me a little farther.