first digital SLR camera under $1000

  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Ive been really trying to keep up on whats going on in the digital world… and there are some exciting developments in the higher end of digital cameras…. the Minolta A1 looks great, the new Sony 878 looks great… but the Canon Rebel 300D might just set the digital world on fire…. heres a link that describes it a bit… and allows you to preorder it….. I think this is going to be the hottest selling camera of the year… if the reviews turn out as good as Im hearing (through the pro grapevine)…… many guys using the camera Im using now are switching over to this one already…. as for myself… Ill just say… have cameras will travel….

    these 3 cameras have not YET been released.. but they are on the verge of it… all are in the area $700-$1000… the canon as a digital SLR camera is setting ground breaking price for a camera that is clearly the equal of a film camera… and good enough for some professional applications… while being small enough to more easily transport and have handy when pix are to be taken……. Im most likely going to be on the waiting list for one of these and I have developed an interest in photography over the last year with my digital……. Ive learned much.. and Ive much to learn yet… Im entering contests to help myself improve… its a humbling experience… kind of like your first fishing tourney.. in my first camera competition against the pros… I finished 76th in a field of 95…. but hey… Ive got plenty of room to get better! and I think I WILL in this months contest……

    Oh btw… when you get to visit discussion boards “abroad” you gain a real appreciation for how nice the people on THIS board are… I suffer through their childish tantrums and crazy/weird speculations about cameras that dont even exist yet to try and learn some good stuff… but man… ask the wrong question and you will burn in flames!… here we take for granite that someone can ask the same question thats been asked a thousand times and several people will be all over it with answers… on THOSE boards… they only seem to value flaming people…., making them look/feel stupid and debating the relative merits of things that people in the right minds dont even care about!…. ok… so where is that violin music?? Im suffering here!… just to bring you guys the digital camera news….. unbiased…. rest assured if you have a question of any kind (digital or otherwise!)… me and the rest of us here will bust our r*umps to find an answer…. FTR…. Friendly Thoughtful Replies…. yep… thats the ticket….

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Hey Ken, my birthday is in Oct

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