Great pictures here guys!!!!rivereyes I just used the auto focus on the sony!
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Sunset picture!
August 29, 2003 at 9:08 pm #274785
Pretty cool that so many have gotten the cameras out to freeze those special moments! More……….MORE!!!!
August 29, 2003 at 11:54 pm #274796Halo? Don’t you mean “hello”? You know, I give you a hard time about that day but that was my biggest channel cat! I mean, if you weren’t tending to all those snags, you mighta caught it!
There’s no doubt the sun was with me that day but I’ll have to get some pics of you having a great day before too long!
Is that Flick in the other pic? Well, no matter…………it’s a great impression of Brian on 8/10/03……………..only no need for a net!
My oh my…………….I better NEVER have a bad day with you Brian or I’ve got a feeling I’m REALLY going to suffer!
August 30, 2003 at 12:17 am #274799Hmmm… so Bobber… it was auto huh?… nice camera you got there… cuz there are so many ways for them to go wrong metering a shot like that… but maybe you were saved by the haze and the massive exspanse of water that was also lit by the sun… metering in a digital camera is done by averaging all the pixels in the shot.. with a weight towards whats in the center… and in your shot the sun is centered, which means it would set the speed up and the f stop down (probably)…. to compensate and not burn the pic…. it would be interesting to see the exif data attached to the shot…. anyhoo….
I think its great to see everyone taking shot of things besides fish… I myself have grown to find that shots taken of the day in general and things of interest help me to remember those days and treasure them all the more…. and its fun to share our better memmories and shots with others… it does not suprise me that the people on this board are interested in more than just fish pix… because there is more to fishing then catching fish… perhaps that sounds odd… but deep down there is something that appeals to us and calls to us….. something that defines us…. brings us together and keeps us coming back for more…. it really says something that we can also get some of that from being here on this board… as well as on the water……
Kind of seems a shame to post something on this thread with NO pic…. so heres a shot of a 400 year old cedar that sits on the edge of lake superior.. taken last week near sunset… (but the sun is setting to the side around the point) Isle royal is actually just out of site in the distance, more than 20 miles out…. this shot is very near grand portage…
August 30, 2003 at 1:01 am #274802rivereyes……with the sony cyber-shot all you have to do is hold the shutter button halfway down. With the shutter halfway down the camera momentarily freezes the image. It than adjusts the exposure and focus of the image. It works slick!!!!!!
August 30, 2003 at 1:51 am #274806yep… Bobber… I think they all work that way…. but all cameras are not created equal… some would have over exposed that shot I think….. wish I could have shot mine side by side with yours and seen how it did….
but no matter… in a few weeks I will most likely have the Canon Rebel d300… their new digital SLR…. and it will be yet another ballgame…. my first purchase will be a nifty ultrasonic motor image stabilizing 75-300 mmm telephoto zoom….. which should make for some great wildlife shots…… those Eagle better look out… they will be fair game now… as will nearly anything else… ohh… and dont try to hide what your using from me… with that telephoto…. and a 6.2 MP file… with RAW format… and special image sharpening tools…. Ill be able to see if your hooks are sharp!..and read the brand name off the plug….
so if you see me coming.. better smile!.. your on not so candid camera…. and youll be on here too!…. along with some of those wonderful sunsets….
ohhh and take my word for it… there are some magnificant sunsets at everts in the fall…..
heres one… that is NOT one of the more spectacular ones…. just average….. taken November 11 last yearAugust 31, 2003 at 1:09 am #274836Great pics guys. A picture is worth a 1000 words. Keep em comin.
Thanks, Bill
ps. Thanks for the tip. I also have a Sony Cyber-Shot camera
Posts: 116September 1, 2003 at 6:30 pm #274916you guys should be adding some of these to the Photo Album so they’re available permently. There’s even a scenery category ya’ know?!
September 2, 2003 at 1:33 pm #274984This one (obviously) isn’t a sunset, but it is a cool picture and I thought you guys might enjoy it.
GregSeptember 5, 2003 at 8:40 pm #275255Keep it up Bobber and you can make your own calendars!
Man……….that’s an AWESOME picture for tranquility!
September 5, 2003 at 10:14 pm #275398just got back from Superior… heres a shot I just took up there…….
(ummmm… hmmmmm… my mugshot looks a bit funny? but then I guess I do to)
September 6, 2003 at 12:05 am #275401Simply breathtaking! Great pic there buddy!
Given the haze I see in the sky now…………..might be a few sunset pics to be had tonight! Fire up those cameras guys!!!
September 6, 2003 at 4:49 am #275417hmmm.. given my current mug… I guess I can feel confident in saying (Ill be back!)…. and I just posted 4 of my favorite sunset shots on the scenery catagory, I might have more.. but when you snapped over 3000 pix in the last year it takes a bit of time to find them… I need that pic organizing software!… soon….. its NOT going to get better…..
heres a shot I just posted… not as intense as the other… much simpler…. but still I like it….kwkfsh
Posts: 116September 6, 2003 at 3:33 pm #275435A couple of Alaska pics from this summer. First is Turnagain arm about 11 PM, second is an Alaska Peninsula sunset.
Posts: 116September 8, 2003 at 3:58 am #275544Here are a few pics of my recent trip to Northern Lights Lake in Ontario with “Fishmar (Dean Marshall). This is my 27 incher…..
September 8, 2003 at 4:02 am #275545These next two were taken seconds apart from each other…..the sunset was awesome to the west and to the east was a rainbow shooting down to a “Pot O’ Walleye”…
September 8, 2003 at 4:09 am #275549This last one is a pic of the sun shining on our “hotspot” for the week!
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