Just took this picture of the sunset here on Mille Lacs tonite and thought some might like to see it! It might make a good screen saver?????
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Just took this picture of the sunset here on Mille Lacs tonite and thought some might like to see it! It might make a good screen saver?????
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Not fair teasing Bobber. Now I want to go fishing baddddddd!!! Thanks, Bill
hey bobber,
thanks for the awsome picture, you reminded me of watching the sunsets in Hawaii. that picture is awsome. nice shot.
Good one! (inside joke)
I guess he can come to the cities for the next couple days and I’ll go up there and watch the sun set.
bobber…. darn nice shot!… with the humidity in the air we have had a run of fiery sunsets….. but Ive not been in a good place to take pix…
heres my last effort at sunset… this was taken while I was driving down the road in a jeep with the top down… I held the camera above the windshield.. you can see the top of the windshield at the bottom of the frame…. amazing what these little digitals can do sometimes…… this shot isnt nearly as scenic as yours! good work….!
Sweet pic Bobber! Did anyone take time to check out Mars tonight? Pretty cool and it’s not too late. Look to the south east. I wonder if this Mars event will have a positive impact on the Walleye fishing???
Here’s a little info for those interested in DEEP SPACE…
Awesome pic Bobber. I think I found my new desktop wallpaper.
Gator Hunter
Sweet Pic….…Reminds me of Lake Michigan….Just a couple more weeks..and I’ll be seeing that too ..
Nice picture Bob. Kind of makes me a little home sick. Haven’t seen anything that pretty since I got back up here to Grand Forks. It sure was nice living next to the Big Lake for a summer
Josh Hukriede
Here’s a pic that I’ve always wanted to share with you guys. We’ll see if I can finally come up to posting pics.
Wow! Even a dummy like me can do it!
This is from Calumet County Park facing west over Lake Winnebago in June of…………..’99? Somewhere in yesterday’s experiences at least.
That’s one of the best sunsets I’ve seen. Thanks for sharing it!
Looks like God is a Vikings fan.
That is one beautiful pic. Thanks for sharing.
If he is, he’s got as funny sense of humor given our teams the last couple years. Of course that would explain Les Steckle…
Nope, he just figured he’d give Viking fans something good to look at because their games are downright ugly!
LOL!! J/K!!
I feel the bashing coming!!
Hey James! We’ve seen quite a few excellent sunset pictures here on the site. Not to mention some great daytime river shots too. Maybe we should put some together and make In-Depth Angling calendars???
I betcha blue fleck could wrestle that project to the ground in short order!
Here’s one from my back yard, doesn’t compete with being on the water, but it helps heal the sole after a long day at work.
all very nice shots!…. sunsets can be tricky with digitals.. if the sun is over the horizon then autometering is very tough and the colors usually wash out bad… once the sun is just under the horizon the shots are super…. you guys seem to have just the right timing!…… though Bobbers shot is with sun OVER the water… it might have been hazy enough that the camera handled it.. or maybe Bobber is savy enough to have used a technique to moderate the effect of the sun… typically using a filter or some sort of apperture priority will do it…..
my shot which was nothing great but then it was taken with one hand on the wheel of the jeep while holding the camera above the windshield!.., was also taken with the sun over the horizon and I used apperture priority to speed up the shudder release to 1/800 of a second so the colors dont wash out and nothing gets “burnt” and its NOT blurry while rolling down the road waving the camera one handed…… if your having trouble with auto metering (AM) try point your camera up into the sky for the AF/AM with all sky in your viewfinder AM will do a MUCH better job then if you point it right at your target first….. then just hold your shudder release button half way down and switch your view to the correct shot and push the button the rest of the way… this will give you better colors on your sunsets… but it WILL make anything in the forground totally black… unless you use a flash for filling in the close up hightlights….
you can also use apperture priority to take a shot of the full moon…. heres a shot I took at the last full moon… you NEED a tripod to perform this…. I have a 6X zoom… it would be better with a bigger one….
What would we have to do to wrestle Blue Fleck into doing it? I’d preorder at least 5!
Rivereyes…………..You’re on your way buddy! I think you’ve got a new career budding! Well, maybe at the very least an inspiring hobby!
‘Fowler………………..that’s a really cool capture you got there! Like a mix of rain and northern lights or something!
If you can beat me at thumb wrestling, I might be persuaded into doing something like that. Maybe something like a screen saver pic w/ a calendar. Any ideas can be forwarded to me in a pm.
OK, this one is the sunrise at the Catfish Bar. The one above wasn’t taken by me. Anyone know where it came from?
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