Flicker Shads for $1.99

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Joe’s has been selling them for $1.49. Just picked up a dozen yesterday….


    Osage, Iowa
    Posts: 192

    Do you guys like them as well as shad raps? I have have some success with them, but more luck with rapalas. Just wondering how they have worked for you.

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    Do you guys use these in place of Shad raps. Do they have the same dive curves? Are they worth getting or should I just spend the few extra bucks and get Rapalas

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    They are a lot like a #5 shad rap as far as dive curve. All run true out of the box and can be trolled fairly fast without blowing out. Nice tight wobble. Some guys have reported problems with hooks pulling off the back. But at a buck-fiddy, really can’t go wrong. imho… I like ’em!


    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    I started using them this summer and have really liked them good sharp hooks and all but 1 have run true out of the box.I’ve caught some good wipers in them on 12 lb line and they held up so thats dependable enough for me.Colors look great also for a lure of this price .

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4074

    I have been using them a lot this summer and I am impressed. Did well with them on Mille Lacs and Lake of the Woods. I bet they would have worked at Bemidji too. The price is right too especially with these sales. The paint jobs aren’t the best, but the rattle and action is great.

    Coyote Chaser
    Posts: 19

    I don’t know about the flicker shads but that is a good price on those accudepth reels, I just paid $49.95 @Bass pro!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The Coleman air mattress is GREAT too. I have a bad back and neck yet can sleep on one thats on a hard wood floor and be super comfortable.
    Thanks, Bill

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