9/11 Did we remember?

  • yeti
    Alma, Wi
    Posts: 68

    I hope everyone took a moment to remember those on this 9/11.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18971

    I remembered we still have enemies to control unlike many Americans that don’t have the stomach to persevere.

    Scandia, MN
    Posts: 149

    I lost a family member and many friends that day. I will always remember, even when it’s not so popular.. And I also give thanks daily for our troops over seas and the ones back home. God Bless Them.

    Posts: 240

    I will never forget. I was working for the U.S. Treasury Dept at the time as a National Bank Examiner. A few weeks prior to that we met with a group from New York because they wanted us to approve a Nationally-Chartered Mortgage Company. On 9/11 over 60% of their staff were killed. Ironically, they mortgage company was approved and they worked their way through the attack.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    A couple of things to share:

    I thought that this has been posted before maybe a month or so ago, but figured it belonged with this thread.


    Along with that some months ago, some one posted a website where we could pick a card of thanks and send it to our service men overseas for free!!! If someone could pull up that thread and repost it, that would be terrific.


    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    I will never forget!

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