Today is 9-11-07

  • Follmar
    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    Today is 9-11-07 I hope everybody will take the time to remember this day!

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4074

    Good post! I never thought about it until I wrote down the date a few hours ago.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I’m going to make a little trip over to Fort Snelling National Cemetary. 10 minutes from my house and I’m ashamed to admit I’ve never been there.


    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Never Forget 343 / 9-11

    Not just FDNY but all who lost there lives that day.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    I was sitting home watching GMA, listening to Diane Sawyer when the first one hit. Still see it, still remember it- -jerr

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    I can’t believe it’s been 6 years already… Remember it like it was yesterday. I was in DC at a medical conference – not far from the Pentagon. Watched the second plane fly into the tower on TV and felt the plane hit the Pentagon – shook the ground.

    I took us many hours to get back to Boston (we ended up ‘hiring’ an airport shuttle bus – at a cost of $3000) and I’ll never forget looking out toward NY while driving north on the NJ Turnpike – smoke clouds still billowing skyward, a strange glow over the city. I’ll also never forget how ’empty’ the skies looked over DC, Baltimore, Philly, NY, Boston – not a single plane, no contrails, nothing…

    God Bless those that lost their lives that day, those that sacrificed theirs in valiant attempts of rescue, and all our service men and women that have paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend us against evil men, intent on doing us harm. Should we continue to press the fight?? Damn Right…

    Alma, Wi
    Posts: 68

    Let’s Roll.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544


    Should we continue to press the fight?? Damn Right…

    Amen brother…. Amen

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