Terrell Owens compared Dogfighting to Deer Hunting

    Posts: 240

    James, nothing personal but I still tend to agree with AM regarding deleted posts.

    As for Ceasar the guy is over rated. If you want to meet some great dogs attend the National Championships this fall in Rogers, Mn. My son is sponsored by —– —- ; opp don’t want to get deleted for advetising, but if you see a nice big German Shepherd that is my dog, and he is kind of a mascot for the Yellow Labs, named “Jumpin George” and Dozer.

    Any interest, let me know and I will provide directions.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James, nothing personal but I still tend to agree with AM regarding deleted posts.

    You are most certainly entitled to your own opinion.

    Posts: 5130


    Watson… you can say anything you want here as long as you don’t attack other members. We’ve even been known to tolerate excessive whining.

    No whining here, just calling it like I see it

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Come on Mike. You know the rules as well as anyone. We have been here a long time. Give me an example of blatant censorship, I’ll give you 1000’s where I’m sick of reading it. Many I’ve par-taken in, sadly.

    I hate these posts because I’m so one sided, yet I try to learn from them. I hate these dogs, rots, dobers, germans etc…. I was walking my girls last weekend, an unknown car was sitting in the neighborhood. It had a pit in it. My daughter says “papa, puppy!!” I said yes, but we never pet puppies in a car!!!! I was nervous, the window was rolled down. I have a two.5 and a 1 year old in the stroller. I’m predujice!!! How do I stop and animal with a 50LB bite?? If the media is to blame, then so be it. I’m trying to be a better person and learn. However. I’ll never sacrifice my child’s well being for any dog lover. No matter the breed.

    Posts: 240


    that is why so much responsibility comes with owning one of the larger breeds you refer to. I learned from my breeder that under no circumstances do I put my dog in a position in which he might react and bite someone.

    All dogs are different but mine behaves perfectly in large crowds, and since a pup has attended numerous festivals, dog events, such as the one I referred to in an earlier post, etc. However, he is protective while at home and I need to be very careful.

    If you got a German Shepherd pup, that dog would protect your daughter, and your family, with his life.

    Also, the dogs you referred to, especially the German Shepherd. have saved thousands of lives as military and police dogs, and continue to do so today in Iraq. They also serve as leaders for the blind, and companion dogs for the elderly.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I coudn’t agree more with responsiblity is on the owners, not the dogs. However, I don’t trust most owners as being as responsible as you and Chamber. It’s such a status thing with these breeds for many, I like to refer to these folks as our uneducated portion of society. These folks simply don’t know how to treat these animals.

    I understand the German Shepards are a valuable breed in certain instances. I just don’t think most people need this type of protection at home.

    Thanks for sharing your opinion, like I said, I’m truely trying to keep an open mind, but I will admit it’s going to be very hard to change my opinion on these breeds.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    No whining here, just calling it like I see it

    How lucky you are to be a part of a website where you can state your opinion, even if it differs with those moderating the site.

    Ironically your comments come in response to an instance of post moderation where you make the claim that any opinion that differs with those held “by a select few” are frequently deleted.

    Def. Irony:

    “The gap or incongruity between what a speaker or a writer says and what is generally understood (either at the time, or in the later context of history). Irony may also arise from a discordance between acts and results, especially if it is striking, and seen by an outside audience.”

    Posts: 240

    A quick reply during halftime. I agree completely with your comments. As a German Shepherd owner I am doing everything I can to support the breed and educate owners. As James mentioned there is a difference between breeds. But, if you ever decided to get a German Shepherd pup for your family you would never want another breed again — yes, I am opionated when it comes to German Shepherds, but there is no dog on this planet that is as loyal and protective of family members, and intelligent beyond belief.

    As for the Rots, Pit Bulls (not really a breed), etc. Based on stats from the Wisconsin Humane Society and my discussions with those folks (my daughter is PR director) the vast majority of the people owning these breeds know literally nothing about dogs. Again, it is not the dog’s fault, it is the owners, and in several cases the background of the dogs is not good.

    You mentioned in an earlier post about a Pit Bull having a 50 pound bite. A Pit Bull who clamps down on someone or another dog actually exerts about 3,000 pounds of pressure (this is not a typo). A German Shepherd about half that. However, the German Shepherd will normally release upon command (I.E. Police Dogs). The Rot, Pit Bull, etc does not and has to be seperated with a crow bar.

    Nonetheless, there are well trained Pit Bulls, including a few in my neighborhood.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240


    But, if you ever decided to get a German Shepherd pup for your family you would never want another breed again —

    I like the German breeds and if a Shepherd could point pheasants I might get one but I think I will stick to the Shorthairs.

    Posts: 240

    I love you response and had added a very long post adding the reasons, but a power outage deleted that along with the end of the Packer Game.

    But the bottom line is all dogs are great and obviously if you want a hunter, birds or water fowl, you would not have a GSD.

    Thanks and the best of luck to you and your pups.

    Finally, perhaps a few missed the fact Timber (a GSD) and I are attending the National Championships Dogs Diving Contests in Rogers, MN because my son’s dogs are spponsored by Fleet Farm and are entered. They are labs and so many other breeds will be competing, non German Shepherds.

    Simply stated, I love all dogs, but do have a special place in my heart for the German shepherd, albeit when it comes to hunting there are much better breeds.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Good luck to you and Timber at the National Championships

    Posts: 240


    probably time to shut this post down, but I guess we strayed a bit from orignal issue.

    In closing, I do remember a guy named Jay Reed from Alma,Wisonsin, now deceased. Jay and I got to know each other a bit and he had a dog named Thor. His writings about the dog, I believe a lab and about the Mississipppi River are unparreled in my experience. And I have saved those articles.

    Jay wrote for the Milwaukee Jouranl and since his death no one has been able to express the feelings Jay was able to, be it fishing or huntng.

    Anyway, if anyone wants to start a new post about dogs it would be great. I realize most of your audience involves hunting dogs and that is fine.

    Finaly, while we are at the Cabela’s National Championships in Rogers, MN., if you see someone with a grey shirt that says “Jumpin George” please introduce yourself.

    Dav. IA
    Posts: 146

    Maybe we could start a deer fighting ring and have an open season on pitbulls.
    I tried fighting Basset Hounds but they just ended up humping each other.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I tried fighting Basset Hounds but they just ended up humping each other.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I’m not sure if this post is dead, but I thought I would add a few things. Just like with humans, dog personalities are part nature and part nurture. You can be the best dog handler in the world, but if buy a lab with a bad blood line; you are going to have a problem dog. And you could have a “perfect” pit but the owner could be an idiot and then you have a problem dog. Or course the worse case is a bad blood line and bad owner. Those are more likely your dog attackers. At the end of the day, all dogs are unpredictable. Even your lovable retrievers.

    I’m a German Shepherd owner. When we got him the breeder told us a couple of important factors. First they wouldn’t sell us the dog without having a fenced yard. Why? When you tie up the dog it will learn to be more aggressive because it is always pulling against the chain. Second, having a fence will keep undisciplined dogs and kids out of your yard to avoid incidents. Why, because if some kid comes into your yard and start provoking your dog and the dog protects itself, it is always the dogs fault. No parent is going to tell their kid they got what they deserved (part of that whole not taking responsibility for your action mentality we have in this country). And never play tug-o-war with him. That also leads to aggressive behavior. And always have him on a leash because you always need to be in control. They told us how often people think there dogs are “trained” and let them run lose. Well they sure were right. At least once a week when we are out walking the dog, we get charged by other dogs. They range from labs to ankle biters. It is a little scary when you see a big lab coming running out at you. Usually a good kick to the face or ribs gets the dog to turn away. So much for Labs being fun, lovable dogs. But if my Shepherd injured the dog, the news would report that a Shepherd attacked the lab.

    So all dogs can be violent and dangerous, so more than others. But that doesn’t mean they should be outlawed. Maybe there needs to be an application process for potential dog owners instead. Weed out the ones who don’t know their head from their .

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Really, does he look dangerous to you?

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Regarding the originality of this thread, Terrell has so well displayed his challenges with public discernment, so MANY times that I can’t see how anyone takes him seriously. The guy is ……….. trying. Trying to something……… I haven’t really figured it out but this is still clear. Terrell is still all about Terrell, and not much more.

    As for the stray topic, no one is going to have the “right answer”. It’s all opinion and much of our opinion is based on experience or the experiences of those we regard as a reliable source. It’s hard for anyone to tell me that a Dachsund is harmless……. because one bit me during a game of tag. Who’s irresponsible in this? Nobody. It happened. I once tried to deliver a newspaper (back when kids did it) and had a Picheon (sp??? – pronounced Pee-Shawn) break it’s leash trying to get at my ankles. It got to me and I fought it for all I was worth……. cuz that’s what dad taught me. I spilled a little blood before the dog’s owner got to us. I also had a Doberman come after me in the woods. I was bowhunting and got challenged by a Doberman! I was ready to kill that dog but it chose to let me stand it off, all the way back to the farm house that it came from. The owners got rid of it. I was 1/4 mile from that farm house. Protection? C’mon…… My cousin Doug had a pitbull. Just fine as long as he was there but the time I forgot my watch in his bedroom was one of the scariest moments I can remember. I asked if I’d be okay getting my watch, he said “lady” would be fine. I did get my watch but she was REALLY unhappy/uncomfortable with my presence. 2 months later she attacked the mailman and was put down.

    All I’m saying here is that in my lifetime, I have determined that I don’t want a dog. All it takes is a trusting moment to go bad and I’m called irresponsible. I currently have a Golden…… and he brings every issue to life. Other people’s dogs during walks, strays through the yard, children playing nearby……… all he wants to do is lick ’em to death but this “controlling” is leading to what??? It’s all just a pain in my rear. Dogs are something I like to visit. Most seem to like me too. But I don’t want an animal governing how responsible I am or am not. I’ll take my chances on a pistol…… cuz it does what I want, when I want, how I want. It never decides something else because of something else. I carry the keys to the safe with the combination to the gunsafe that still has no ammo it! No one is going to “accidently” shoot themselves, or someone else……here. Ever met a kid that wanted to pet a pistol and got shot? That’s a metaphor……. but these things happen and I value EVERY child more than I value ANY animal and ALL of them are capable of surprising us. Germans have turned on their owners just as the Doberman’s, Rots, and Pits. My Golden has a kennel outside with full shelter. He’s a dog. I will not confuse him as a family member. The biggest point of mistrust is other dogs. Dogs will always be dogs. So if I’m going to take chances, I’ll raise kids. Kids learn to drive, graduate school, and don’t require a leash to walk around town. Granted, they can mess up too…….. but if I have to put my investments into something, I’ll still choose the higher intellects of children.

    Posts: 240

    Thanks for the pictures,especially the one in the boat. Your guy reminds me of Timber, my GSD, but yours looks bigger. How much does the dog weight??? — Timber is 88 pounds.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438


    Thanks for the pictures,especially the one in the boat. Your guy reminds me of Timber, my GSD, but yours looks bigger. How much does the dog weight??? — Timber is 88 pounds.

    He is a big boy. He is right at 100. The vet is always suprised that he doesn’t have any fat on him.

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 705

    TO wasn’t the first, there are quite a few names out there is you do a search for dogfighting and hunting.

    President of the Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP compares dogfighting to deer hunting.

    I guess they are clueless, Vick was in trouble with the law over illegal dogfighting and gambling. Vick is in trouble with the NFL over lying to the commisioner and gambling

    Posts: 240

    Thanks for the reply — I am way off topic again but if you haven’t, check out germanshepherds.com. Lots of opinions and useful advice.

    If you can find the time send me a personal E Mail. I have a few questions about your pup, and as I said, thanks in part to me we have strayed a bit from the original topic.

    But, the best breed on the planet = German Shepherd.

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