It actually does come with a cajun accent that is about to drive my wife insane.
The outboard is actually an interesting story. It’s a Mercury 125xs. I figured it could use a little tune-up, and stopped by the merc dealer here in town, who was unable to find any record of a 125 being manufactured by merc within 10 years of the supposed date of this one. When I got home, I looked up the serial number and punched it into the merc website, which just lists it as “2.4L V6.”
It’s plenty fast in comparison to the old boat, that’s for sure. Idles a bit rough, but like I said, hopefully a new set of plugs and a little tune up will improve that.
As far as my reputation goes, I’ve pretty much settled into spending 90% of my time bass fishing or panfishing with the kids. Given where I live and the distance I’m willing to travel on a weekend morning, that pretty much makes me a bass fisherman by day and a grand chaser of the Mashwarohn (cajun for ‘catfish’) at night.