Well this past labor day weekend I spent it doing something other than fishing.Last year while I was deer hunting in Wisconsin I meet a gentelman by the name of Eddie.He is a Vietnam Vet from Greenbay he shared the same deer camp as I did, a real good guy full of life and loves the outdoors.About a mounth ago I get a call from the land owner telling me that Eddie has cancer threw out his body , and this could be his last season.I was struck by what I had herd.All I could think of is what I could to to make this a great season for him.So I called up the land owner and asked him if I could build Eddie a permanent stand something he could get in and out of easy and would keep him warm.He said that would be great.I left the house thursday afternoon stoped by menards and off I went.It took me 2 and ahalf days to build it.It has a metal roof sliding windows and the whole 9 yards.The land owner got a hold of Eddie and told him we had a surprise for him He made it down Monday morning and we took him out to his “new” stand.There are know words to discribe the look on his face.You are talking about one proud hunter right there.It was the least I could do for someone who has fought for country,and now has a life threating illness.Kinda of aboring read I know I just thought I would share it with you guys,Sometimes its just the little things that will bring a smile to ones face.
September 5, 2007 at 12:50 am