Well… the beginning of August was a great time for me… starting the month in the hospital with 2 blown discs. Well, September isn’t starting off much better. Was watching a movie at home with the wife. Got up to head upstairs to grab a beverage (no… hadn’t had much to that point). In the darkness, I slammed my pinkie toe into a speaker that was sitting down at the edge of the stairs . Slammed it hard. I have stubbed my toe multiple times in the past, but none felt this bad. I popped a percoset but that had little effect in cutting down the pain. So, after little/no sleep, went to the doctor. After the doctor looked at it (including grabbing the toe throwing me into yelling agony, Yep… broken foot/toe. It is in a place that the doctor there couldn’t do the cast (broken toe… but the part of the bone that is broke is inside the main part of the foot). So, got to wait until Tuesday to make an appt with the ortho to get a cast. Can’t wait to see what happens to be come October. At this pace, I should be good and crippled come ice fishing season.
September 2, 2007 at 6:24 pm