Guys I need your help….

  • johnnyb
    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    A week ago, 23 Aug, got a phone call from one of my sisters informing me that my dad who’s health is already failing, lost his balance, fell and fractured two vertibre and his hip. After work today I am making the marathon drive to Mountain Home, to give my sister a break from taking care of dad. While down there I need to build a couple of threshold ramps so that he can get around. I am having a devil of a time finds a set of plans to work from. If any of you can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

    Thanks for all your help in advance.

    Posts: 3239

    I don’t have any specific plans for you but using a bendable plywood might work.

    Example of 3/8″ bendable

    You can try calling a local cabinet shop for some scrap
    You may have to shim a little bit on each side (maybe 1/4″)
    and then find a way to attach it to the floor. (Duct tape)
    I would bevel the edges at a 45 on both ends to make it
    easier to start the climb.

    Good Luck and I hope your Dad has a speedy recovery!!


    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    if you check with some of the medical supply stores either in your area or your Dad’s (the type that sell or rent wheelchairs, commodes, walkers, etc.) you may find that they sell or rent threshold ramps, anywhere from $40 and up to purchase. Do a google search for “threshold ramp” and you will get some photos and prices on what is available….if nothing else it will give you an idea on buiding one..or two…
    Hope this helps.

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