A change of plans…Delayed by AR15 at Bungalow

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Certainly and interesting day. Golf for the first time in the afternoon and moved into the bathrooms by the Washington County SWAT Team in the evening.

    I was ready for bed after a round of 18 for he Brandon Rolen Foundation Benefit today…but the FW had her Friday Night shoes on and it was off to the Bungalow in Lakeland.

    As we were walking towards the building (we park in the back) I heard a short slide of tires on tar with a crunch at the end. It didn\’t sound real loud…maybe just a bit more than a fender bender. I start walking around the South side of the building and the FW says to walk through the building to see what happened. As I turn back towards her…a male about 20ish is high tailing it towards the river on the Norh side.

    I noted his white pants as he passed under a light.

    Once to the front of bar area I was surprised to see the squad cars there already. Then the bar tender announce that \”we are locked down because the police say there\’s a shooter loose\”. The employees kept the customers away from the window…and I started talking to a friend that happened to be there.

    At aprox 10 pm the SWAT Team entered the Bungalow with weapons at the ready and herded us back to the bathroom area. They told us what was going on after the building was secured. All the lights were turned out.

    After 45 minutes or so we were told we could move around but to stay low and away from the windows. At a few minutes after midnight one car load at a time was escorted to there cars and after going through a maze of squad and swat cars, were on our way home.

    The Washington County Sherriff said that all off duty officers were called in and there were over 150 officers in the area going door to door. Helicopter lights were seen shining down on the trees through the windows.

    My hats of to these guys! They secured our safety quickly and kept us informed as to what was happening.

    I have this feeling this fella or fellas wasn\’t wanted for using bullhead larger than 7 inches.

    The FW says the pizza\’s done…I\’m out of here!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946


    I have this feeling this fella or fellas wasn’t wanted for using bullhead larger than 7 inches.

    Sure it wasnt pug crossing state lines with a scoop of fatheads?

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Wow…Didn’t you have a big day? Glad your OK there tigger!You escaped twice today….A mad gunman in Bayport and Koonce on the golf Coarse!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Chappy, I would much rather mess with the SWAT Team than to mess with Koonce on the golf course.


    Police shootout in WI ends with home invasion in MN

    An armed man fires at sheriff’s deputies in Wisconsin, then flees to Minnesota, but not before the deputies wound him.

    Investigators with the Washington County sheriff’s department say around 9 last night, the wounded suspect headed west on 94, crashed his SUV on Rivercrest Road in Lakeland, then ran.

    Deputies say he had two guns and forced his way into a house on Old Toll Bridge road.

    After shooting the homeowner during a struggle, deputies moved in and tasered the 23 year old suspect.

    The homeowner is in the hospital, but will be o-k.

    The suspect, from Circle Pines, is also in the hospital and listed in serious condition.

    KSTP Channel 5

    Clearwater MN
    Posts: 183

    Wow that’s one to tell the grand kids!!

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776


    Deputies say he had two guns and forced his way into a house on Old Toll Bridge road.

    After shooting the homeowner during a struggle, deputies moved in and tasered the 23 year old suspect.

    Why do we taser people who have shown total disregard for others?

    A well placed double tap would save the taxpayers a TON of money.

    Glad to hear you and the better half are ok BK.

    Posts: 3681

    At 23 the guy can be rehabilatated with six months of talk thearapy and come out of jail a fine young man with a lot to offer.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Personally I’m glad that he was taken with a taser. Note in the artical he was wounded first.

    On a side note my Glock 26 is not capable of tasering.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I agree with you Wade. Especially since he showed absolutely no regard for the homeowner or the law.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    wow Brian, that’s quite a night!!! Glad to hear you’re OK… gotta wonder what was going through that nimrod’s mind. Hmmmm… taser him, arrest and try him – sounds like a locked-tight case against him. He’ll be spending some time in the big house – 23 years old, white pants, wavey hair; sounds like he might even make some other inmate very happy (maybe even better than ‘3 in the head, you know they’re dead’)…

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I agree a bullet or 2 would have been cheaper in the long run… and more suiting for what he did.

    I have no doubt the suspect was somehow clearly complying with the officers to get tazered in the end vs shot…. trust me, law enforcement isnt going to approach that guy with a one-shot electrical device if he is armed and has already injured others… the enforcement officers had one thing on their mind.. to make it home, and be sure nobody else got hurt(taking no chances).

    He probably got tazered *just in case* he might of changed his mind to resist, already clearly unarmed.

    What the guy did.. as far as I am concerned… the tazer was good for him(hurt like hell)… from there they could have drug him outside then put a bullet in him. There is no excuse for what he did, and no punishment suitable in this country(torture isnt allowed).

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    Glad to hear you and your wife came out of it ok !Sorry you didnt get to shoot him, Mabey next time.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That’s what my friend said…told me to go back tonight for a second chance.

    I don’t ever recall seeing that many squad cars in one area…except for a police officers funeral.

    A pretty awesome display of public protection.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    I saw it all over the news tonight. Was that right in your neighborhood Brian?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The Bungalow is about 3 miles from us. The “suspect” slid into the ditch right in front of the Bungalow.

    Everything was back to normal tonight with their normal outstanding grilled prime rib…with the exception of a street sign that was knocked over.

    Again although our normal night out was interupted, all the law enforcment that we came in contact with did an outstanding..professional job.

    Posts: 1501

    Wow, talk about hearsay and misinformation.

    I was playing Poker at Treasure Island on Fri, and one of the guys next to me said, Dude, did you hear about the Bungalow?
    I said, You mean the place near Bayport….no?.
    He said, Yeah, two guys walked in with M16s and just started shooting up the place!
    Something seemed odd about that story, but you never know.
    My first thoughts were about you Brian, and hoped you werent in the middle of it.
    I guess you were, and glad to hear everything worked out OK.

    By way, whats up with all the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (backslashes)?
    I had to edit 4 times to get rid of them.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    We had some site modifications today…I think that was an unexpected one!

    Saturday night is our normal night at the Bungalow…but the Favorite Wife does her best to keep me in trouble.

    You know…if that guy would have looked around as he ran towards the river, it sure could have been us that he would have taken the car from…or worse. We were no further than 75 feet from this guy at one point.

    Zumbro Falls Mn.
    Posts: 387

    Wow that is really some scary stuff! Really! I\\\’m glad to hear that you two are OK!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    Glad you are OK. See, I would stick with golfing only…. sorry couldn\\\\\\\’t resist…

    big g

    Side note, for Lazier, why is this thing putting a backslash, when you use the apostrophe ? \\\’

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