• rod-man
    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    Gander Mtn. in Rochester today went 70% off store wide and one better they are handing out bags to FILL with fishing tackle for $10.00
    it’s nuts my brother-in-law and I went there and bought
    approx. $4000.00 (retail) worth of stuff for $196.00
    we got 36lbs of bulk Northland Jigs ($1100.00 approx.) for $20.00
    all gun barrels 70% off if you get the chance stop in
    lots of plastic left some cranks too
    good luck

    Posts: 163

    Wow, that doesn’t seem possble?
    Are they going out of business.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    They are opening a new store next month is a bigger location, the current Rochester location is small! Bottom line is it’s easier for them to sell it and get new stuff in then move it sort it and reshelf it….

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    For fishing or duck and goose hunting stuff would it be worth it to drive 3 hours tommorrow or will it be to far picked over? Would there be anything good left for me?

    bagley wi.
    Posts: 609

    wish it was near me

    Posts: 1748


    wish it was near me

    me 2

    Posts: 6259

    Looking forward to the Eau Claire super store opening up next year…..

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    Yeah I hope they put out some deals like that. I will buy hundreds of crankbaits. Not even joking how cool would that be to get 70% off of crankbaits

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    I highly doubt it’s worth a 3 hour drive, but you could always call teh store and ask them what they still got.

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    went back this eav and the store is pretty well picked buy they still had some archery and blackpower stuff left and on Fri it’s 90% OFF till its all gone

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    The store they chose doesn’t seem like it is that much bigger although I never bought my groceries there. I wish I would have known about this earlier! Thanks for sharing

    Austin, Minnesota
    Posts: 49

    i just got some new waders for 20 and native sunglasses for 40… great deal

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    its pretty empty dwon here

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    think they’ll have anything left this afternoon?

    Guns? Camo? anything?

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    my bet is there pretty well picked through

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    Well thanks for the info. That saved me a three hour drive. The Eau Claire store is moving next year so ill have to bring a wallet full of cash for that one. Anyone know when they are supposed to be moving??

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