How To Help Southeast Mn Flood Victims

  • d.a.
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 481

    From the Rochester Post Bulletin:

    How to help
    8/23/2007 9:39:46 AM

    • Southeast Minnesota Chapter of American Red Cross: 287-2200 or (507) 452-4258

    • Salvation Army in Rochester: 288-3663

    • Winona County Volunteer Hotline: (507) 457-8882

    • Send donations to: United Way Disaster Fund, 902 E. Second St., Winona, MN 55987

    • Send donations for Houston County residents to: Slavation Army, c/o Merchants Bank, 1 Washington Square, Caledonia, MN 55921, or donate directly at Mercahnts Bank in Caledonia.

    • Send donations to: Salvation Army, 2445 Prior Ave., Roseville, MN 55113, and write “Minnesota flooding” on the check.

    • The Red Cross in the Twin Cities also is coordinating volunteer help — call (612) 871-7676.

    • A “free store” will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the rest of this week at the Winona Mall, 528 Vila St., Winona. People can donate cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items and other items to those who need them. Food and clothing aren’t accepted. For details, call (507) 457-6526.

    • The Winona “Ready, Set, School” program is accepting school supplies for flood victims and is seeking donations. Cash donations can be made at Winona National Bank and Altura State Bank offices or by sending checks to: Ready, Set, School, P.O. Box 499, Winona, MN 55987.

    • The United Way has set up a relief fund for flood victims in Minnesota and Wisconsin. It was initiated with $20,000 from the United Way of Olmsted County. Checks made out to the United Way Flood Relief Fund can be mailed or dropped off at the United Way, 903 W. Center St., Rochester, MN 55902. Donations also can be made at any Wells Fargo Bank or Associated Bank office.

    • All 115 parishes in the Catholic Diocese of Winona will take up a second collection within the next two weeks to help parishioners affected by the floods. The diocese has made an initial $5,000 contribution to the fund. Send donations to: Diocese of Winona, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987.

    • A clothing campaign has been started for Rushford residents who have been flooded out. Please bring clean clothes in good condition to Village Foods, 108 Coffee St. E., Lanesboro.

    • The Mabel Lions Club has set up donation boxes in Mabel City Hall to take clothing and other items daily to Rushford.

    For information

    • For road closure information and updates, call 511 or go to on the Web.

    • Fillmore County Sheriff: (507) 765-3875

    • Houston County Sheriff: (507) 725-3379

    • Winona County Sheriff: (507) 457-6368

    • Houston County flood victims assistance: (507) 725-2799

    • Winona County Public Health Information: (507) 474-7830

    • Minnesota Department of Health hotline for health-related flood questions: 1-800-657-3903.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    These are our neighbors folks. Please consider a donation, no matter how large or small. I was wondering what my place and area would look like if we recieved 15″ of rain in less than 24 hrs…I don’t think it would be pretty.

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