Bridge Reports following the I-35 Bridge Collapse.

  • upnorthmn
    Posts: 7

    Just wondering, has anyone heard any reports from the other bridges being inspected? In Galesville, WI, one bridge was inspected and was rated a 9.5 out of 100. Been over it twice since I read this, both times, unbuckled seat belt and rolled down windows. Not taking any chances now.

    Posts: 4062

    WE got one south of the TC here in MN they wont let emergency vehicles over but you and I can use it . It is at the top of the rating system for defincy

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946


    Been over it twice since I read this, both times, unbuckled seat belt and rolled down windows. Not taking any chances now.

    Do you really think that taking off your seatbelt would be an advantage? Its probably the sole reason there werent that many deaths in the 35W bridge failure.

    I dont worry about drivng over them, or driving under them in a boat… but I am sure the bridge collapse will become part of the conversation next time I anchor under one in a storm… I had anchored up MANY times under the 35 bridge in the past fishing for cats

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939


    Been over it twice since I read this, both times, unbuckled seat belt and rolled down windows. Not taking any chances now.

    I hope you aren’t the same person who also cashed in their 401K plan prior to Y2K because you thought the computers would be locked up and you would never get your money. Live life, don’t worry, God is in control.

    Posts: 1027

    Amen to that impalapower. When your time is up, NOTHING we can do will change it, even though some people think they can. I always tell my wife who is afraid to fly because she thinks the plane is going to crash,” if it’s God’s will that you to die in a plane crash a plane could crash into you on the ground,you don’t need to be inside it” .

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