August 18th, One snakey looking radar display

  • warrenmn
    Posts: 687

    Been watching the radar on and off this evening and just wanted to mention to those that live along an east west line that runs across the state just north of Mankato and then makes a curve south, that these storms have been training and I’m wondering if flash flooding could occur. Remember, it only takes a couple inches of water to carry a car away and its hard at night to see what your driving across. If in doubt, go back.


    Weather Channels interactive radar at Mankato

    This site is nice in that you can scan in and out. Check out the animation also at the bottom. Be sure to check it out and stay safe.


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    We’ve been in the direct line of fire all day(Dresbach MN). It’s not looking like it’ll end any time soon.

    I’m just happy I got the lawn mowed yesterday before the rain started…

    Posts: 687

    I see the NWS already has a Flash Flood Warning out for your area.

    NWS radar site

    Use to live in Winona, a lot of rain on those slopes could be interesting.


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I fully expect to see some landslides after all this rain… It’s supposed to rain tomorrow as well. 60% chance for Sunday.

    I plan on taking a ride tomorrow. If I see anything worth taking a pic of I’ll post it here.

    Posts: 687

    It shouldn’t be another Stockton but I’d bet there’ll be some slides along 61. Wouldn’t it be terrible if Picket took it in the shorts again after getting the old mill fixed back up.
    Feast or famine with rain. Now I suppose the south half the state that was affected by the drought will have their crops drown out.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    According to the local weather, La Crescent has received 3.95″ of rain. They’re about 5 miles south of me. Houston & Caledonia have 4.5″ so far. There’s a lot of road flooding in La Crosse and there’s still no sign of it letting up. It should be an interesting next few days.

    Posts: 7


    It shouldn’t be another Stockton but I’d bet there’ll be some slides along 61. Wouldn’t it be terrible if Picket took it in the shorts again after getting the old mill fixed back up.
    Feast or famine with rain. Now I suppose the south half the state that was affected by the drought will have their crops drown out.

    If yours in Stockton, you are to evacuate. They want the whole city out…Listening to the TV and the Radios, Mudslides and Trees down everywhere, roads also being washed out–Be Careful out there.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353



    It shouldn’t be another Stockton but I’d bet there’ll be some slides along 61. Wouldn’t it be terrible if Picket took it in the shorts again after getting the old mill fixed back up.
    Feast or famine with rain. Now I suppose the south half the state that was affected by the drought will have their crops drown out.

    If yours in Stockton, you are to evacuate. They want the whole city out…Listening to the TV and the Radios, Mudslides and Trees down everywhere, roads also being washed out–Be Careful out there.

    This storm hit the greater Winona (including Stockton) worse this time than the last time. Pray for the families as I’ve already heard 5 people have been found dead due the storm near Winona. Many houses lost and many people w/o flood insurance.

    Posts: 687

    It looks like things are pretty bad. When I said it shouldn’t be another Stockton, I meant that they weren’t unprepared. It must have kept raining hard for a long time after I went to bed. It sounds like it’s pretty bad down there.

    When Stockton got hit the time I lived down there in the early 1990’s, it was an extremely isolated storm that dumped 8 inches of rain in a half to an hour. The rain over that water shed/valley moved unbelievably fast to the bottom of the valley to collect around Stockton and caught the people with out warning. A friend that lived there told me that he didn’t even realize the water had surround the house till he hung up the phone and looking out the window saw one of those house propane tanks float by.

    I really hope there was extra time this time and people were able to get to safety, but we’ll see. Lessons learned seem to be too quickly forgotten.

    I would have hoped the powers in charge were more prepared last night. The two fatalities that I’ve heard about, if correct, were a couple that hit a wash out on 14, which at that point is a steep down grade. If my memory serves me right,the pictures they were showing on TV looked like the road between Lewiston and what I think was called the arches, an old stone arch bridge on the DM&E line.

    I use to work with the Winona Amatuer Radio Club and SkyWarn and unless things have really changed down there, which I’d bet against, they were out enduring the weather all night to help protect the public by reporting water levels. They’re a very dedicated group of amateur radio operators.

    WarrenMN aka KA0KXI

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711

    We got hit pretty hard in Crawford and Richland Counties. News reports of people in trees in Gays Mills. Mudslides, power outages, and washed out roads. Over 7.7 inches of rain here in 24 hours and they got more than that to the west

    Posts: 687

    I should mention for those that have never been down to that area that much of its is extremely deep valleyes with 1:1 or worse slopes. Stockton is kind of a merging point where several of these steep valleys meet.
    While Stockton is in a bad place, remember the whole area along the river is like this.
    I hope people have the sense not try running down there to sight see.

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