Lake Mille Lacs “launch Service” question

  • Johnie Birkel
    South metro
    Posts: 291

    I need a little information on a “launch service” (I believe this is the proper term for a group fishing from a large boat on Mille Lacs). I was thinking of trying this out with a couple of friends. Is it worth it? Would we catch anything? What about times and where to go? I was thinking of heading up on a Friday night or Saturday in mid September. I realize I wouldn’t be going there to learn the lake or for trophies, but overall would it be a good way to get out and do some fishing? Any help on this would be great.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    Launches are a great time. Show up with a fishing license and some cash and your good to go. Its a great way to relax and hang out with your buddies. The bite should be pretty good in mid-Sept. As far as resorts, I’ll put my vote in for Hunters Point . There are many other good resorts also.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    there are quite a few launches up on ML.
    I have used Eddy’s in the past, what they usually go after and catch are Walleyes. launches are usually 4 hour trips, about 8-12p, 1-5p, and 6-10p, something along that line.
    they would have all the gear you’d need. you would bring along any food you want, and of course a camera, maybe a rain suit if it was going to get wet.
    costs would be in the $25-35 range per person.
    you could get any other info from the chamber of commerce up in that area, or the Mille Lacs Messenger (paper) and check for advertizing. also other IDA members will probably make a post on launches they have used,
    Good Luck. and report back.

    Derek Hanson
    Posts: 592

    The rumor going around has been that Appledorns Resort is top notch on Mille Lacs. I do not know from experience, but from word of mouth. I would give them a call and at least see what they have to offer.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13370

    Might want to try a night trip that time of year.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    There are some REALLY good guides here on IDA that can turn your trip into an adventure of a lifetime. Divided a couple ways, it is a very cost effective way to learn Mille Lacs! On a launch, you may not get the one on one attention if that is what you are looking for.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Having done both…I would recommend a guide over the launches.

    Although the launch has it’s merits…from my limited experiance you’ll have a better chance catching fish with a reputable guide…and larger fish too.

    Just like a launch…just show up with a fishing license and a smile and you’ll have a good time. I’ve been on some real doosy launches. I’ve never had a less than exceptional guided trip on Mille Lacs.

    Ok…I’ll plug Chris Tuckner…the down side to taking Chris is that his jokes…well…they suck.

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