Friday Funny

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18389

    One morning, BrianK took a pair of underwear out of the drawer. ‘What the ? ? ?’ he said to himself as a little ‘dust’ cloud appeared when he shook them out.

    ‘Favorite Wife,’ he hollered into the bathroom, ‘why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?’

    She shot back: ‘It’s not talcum powder. It’s
    ‘Miracle Grow’.’

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    Posts: 109

    Fantastic! she told me she was going to try it, but i didnt believe her! i talk to her on the phone a few hours ago and she seemed a bit down…guess it still has not worked.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    HMMMMMMMMM ,no comment from Brian yet ?? must mean there is some truth to this . Naaa just kidding you Brian, but it was funny and a great laugh for my house

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    (I was going to call that a ‘low blow’…)

    paul follmer
    any where there biting
    Posts: 152

    I dont care who you are thats funny right there.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    He OBVIOUSLY put them on backwards.

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