Another resort question

  • chappy
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Of the guy’s that own resorts, What are some of the fun things you do for your guests? Or even the people that go to resorts………What are some of the things you kids have had fun with while at a resort?

    I was thinking of a wagon with a chair on it,when a big fish was caught hook it up top the tractor and pull them around while hitting the siren and bull horn.

    Open for suggestions…….Thanks

    Posts: 88

    One resort I went to had a steak/burger fry the first night we were there. Guests brought a side dish. It was a great way for the guests to meet each other and for everyone to meet the resort owners. Made for a more enjoyable week once people knew each other a bit.

    One other thing. I’ve stayed at resorts where the owners where out and about every day making sure that the guests were happy and satisfied and I’ve also stayed at places where the owners practically hid from the guests. If you did find them it was like they didn’t want to hear about your concerns or answer your basic questions. You couln’t find them if you had a issue or problem no matter where you looked. It was the places where the owners were present and approachable that I returned to again and again. Just making the rounds every day making friendly conversation made all the difference in the world.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    The same idea as above but with a fish fry. Gets everyone together and talking instead of being strangers to each other all week.

    Anything you can do to make a kid feel special will make a lasting impression, for both the kid and the parents. One resort we stayed at had a kids fishing contest on the dock. Sounds corny but its been three summers now and my kids still talk about it. Hand out ribbons or small medals to top three places, etc. Easy, inexpensive, and quick.
    This same resort had an activity for kids each day. One day they made had the kids decorate a t-shirt with markers, my kids wore those for two years until they were too small(free advertising). Canoeing and paddleboating another day, nature walks..there are tons of ideas.


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    In your original post, I responded about “a guy I know bought a resort in Canada”. Well the reason I know him is we were new to the resort so he took us out, free of charge, for a couple hours and we got to know him. We now stay in contact year round.

    His resort is more of an outpost (although there is a lake there) so most of the people staying there are gone to other lakes during the day and his wife handles all of the office work so he had a little time. If a paid guide service is not something being offered at your resort, just taking some people out for a little while will go a long way towards building relationships and if you get them on some fish, well that is always fun.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Chappy, how is the fishing on that lake? I’d talk to people [several, not just one or two, make it sound like you might be thinking of staying there for a vacation], in the nearest town besides the resort owners who will of course tell you its good so you will buy it? It takes good fishing along with excellent resort service to get people there and to keep coming back.
    Thanks, Bill

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    I agree w/ Bill. What lake is it on? If the fishing is poor it may be harder to attract that group of people. Although I have been to several resorts up north where the fishing is nothing great, but they had a nice swimming beach w/ lots of Kayaks and other ‘toys’ you could rent for free. It was very ‘family oriented’ and I believe that alone attracted a lot of people. On the flip side however you might loose some people because they don’t want to go to a resort where a bunch of little kids are around. Another thing to consider is what else is in the area. If it’s raining all day is there a town close that they could go to etc?

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    Couple ideas from our travels…….

    – Assuming you have a nice sandy beach – rope off a nice swim area and plop down one of those humungus water trampolines in the middle. If it can be deep water on one side and shallow on the other, all the better…. Kids of all ages will spend countless hours when the weather cooperates.
    – make a nice campfire area where people can congregate to meet, cook Smores and other great campfire munchies. Then when the younguns are in bed the teenagers can do their thing….
    – sounds like your son might be up to be the director of this game plan. We really enjoyed these when the kids were young. Everyday from 9 until 11 a.m. you schedule games. Get a wet board and place it in a central location. The day before list tomorrow’s activities. For example, 9 a.m. balloon toss, 9:30 a.m. volleyball game, 10 a.m. lost treasure hunt, etc. Change the games around every day and don’t be afraid to throw in a movie day where anyone is welcome to come to the lodge and watch videos of their choice. This gives the parents a chance to sneak out and do some fishing, read a book or jump back in bed for some… I’ll leave that up to you.
    – At least once a week offer a daycare that allows time for parents to catch their breath. Couple hour break is greatly appreciated.
    – One day have a fishing contest.
    – As the week goes on and kids have made new friends host team games so the new friends can spend more time together.
    – This can be expensive and a LOT of work to maintain but an inground heated pool is nice for when the lake water is intolerable. Plus adults (and kids) enjoy a nice hot tub.
    – Family team events are also fun like the one where you have 4 team members and you start by spinning around 10 times with your head on a baseball bat. Then grab a tub full of water, run 25 feet turn around and return. Dump the tub of water (what’s left) into a 5 gallon pail. The first team to fill the pail wins. Fun prizes are an added bonus and you must have a camera. This is hilarious to watch.
    – A friendly game of soccer.
    – And most importantly, have a well stocked candy selection and allow kids to charge to their cabin. Ice cream is always popular. I’d hate to admit what the “candy bill” was after one week…..

    Sounds like a lot of fun Chappy. Hope it all works out!

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    If you buy a resort, I will be a patron!!

    Just let me know when I can book reservations.


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Free beer

    Something a bit easier and probably cheaper than the dinner idea, would be a cobbler in a dutch oven or smores, depending on the resort if you had a cafe or a retaurant of some sort dinner may not be the best idea. But I’m sure people would show up for free dessert.

    We used to make ice cream when we went camping, we always loved that, maybe a have couple “old fashion” ice cream machines available, I think the kids would love that, I know we did. I think it would be cheap easy option to add a little something special. SO you could advertise they are available.

    Posts: 4062

    Hire Briank more often to entertain the guests, and give seminars, how to wash your trailer and launch your boat to save time .

    Have alot of good sales on your tackle when the boss is gone(Brian I need a good price on those Tidemaster trolling rods ) I heard that the boss will be gone

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