I don’t ask how many shoes she has, She doesn’t ask how many crankbaits I have
Seriously though:
Joint checking acct
Her checking acct
My checking acct
August 14, 2007 at 10:04 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » When is a good time to fess up
I don’t ask how many shoes she has, She doesn’t ask how many crankbaits I have
Seriously though:
Joint checking acct
Her checking acct
My checking acct
I have to agree with Will-eye on this one (must be a South Dakota thing). Honesty is the best policy and it’s way too much work to lie about it anyway. My wife is much better with money than I am so I just throw something out once in a while–good sale at Cabelas—sure could use a new trolling reel–whatever—and soon there after she’ll come up with “there’s x amount left in checking—will that get that new whatever”. I guess it only works if you are married to one of the best (or maybe just South Dakotan) women on the planet. I wonder at times if her life would be easier if I was into drugs or drinking instead of this outdoor addiction!
My purchases are all pretty small, I don’t go drop $100, but I may drop $20 here and there. Anything over $100 “needs” approval (our rules, we decided), did I mention I’m a heck of a saleperson My wife is pretty awesome Generally I don’t get any greif for bigger purchases, and generally I have researched things enough in advance to know when it’s a deal, so I eventually get the things on my list, and since I’m normally in no hurry, I always get really good deals. I also pass off anything major as a birthday or whatever holiday present. Bought myself a Lowrance 111 last october, and that was my Birthday and christmas present, though she objected, I held to it.
On the other hand my wife is pretty tight with her(our) money, she plan her spending out, and rarely buys stuff for herself. Every now and then I have to just give her cash to spend, so she’ll go get the stuff she wants, otherwise she doesn’t. We do have a standing agreement that there is always $100 available for whatever she wants at anytime, without calling me, yet she never takes it.
I also control the finances, and we do budget out money to a point, so I think that’s inpart why she’s more hesitant about buying things.
I’ll also point out having a kid tends to pretty much cut one’s “fun budget” down to nothing.
Oh I did buy a Nintendo Wii sometime ago, I tried to call her to talk me out of it, pretty funny I actually texted her that I was going to buy it if she didn’t call me… then I bought it…. then I “kind of” told her I didn’t…. then she said “well it would’ve been ok”….. then I told her I really did buy it
, then she was a little grumpy
. But dang it these things are still hard to get even today, you can’t just walk in anywhere and buy one, they sell out in about an hour.
Three Words:
Seperate Bank Accounts.
We’re with ya there Jon Also, once I got myself a hobby that costs about as much as lures, all was AOK in our home
Now, I do the checkbooks and I get to say “it’s in the budget”
We’re with ya there Jon
Also, once I got myself a hobby that costs about as much as lures, all was AOK in our home
Now, I do the checkbooks and I get to say “it’s in the budget”
Does that mean that your are even more into fishing and buying all those new lures, rods, and reels now Denise???
Thanks, Bill
Don’t even worry about it! Been married about 30 years, (thad be 29), and after about 5, when I saw her in something “new”, I’d say like we all do, ‘wow, that looks nice’. OH THIS OLD THING! Ya right! Just like my ‘old muskie rod and reel and lures and etc…. ‘ You got it. Start now tossing it right back, and sooner that you’ll imagine, she won’t even ask anymore. But be sure to keep noticing the ‘new’ things she’s wearing…..
In all honesty i do not lie to my wife and i don’t hide things from her, we have seperate checking accounts and we are each respossible for sertain bills each month and at the end of the month she has her spending money and i have mine. It just looks like i spend more because i buy a lot of little things. We do not spend money we don’t have.And if there is a big purches to be had it is a team effort.
Three bank accounts:
House and bills
NO questions asked
What you have there is the “48 hour rule” as described by Joe on the Garage Logic radio show. Here is how it works. You buy something and simply place it in plain view, preferably in the garage, and if she finds it after the 48 hours of exposure you can just say, “that old thing, I’ve had it forever.” You can’t hide it or put something over it are the only rules. By going this route you avoid the FFLF (female fun limitation factor) and “The Look”. This 48 hour rule can be applied to new guns, rods, outboards, anything almost.
I bet there are alot of us “garage logicians” out there. I am looking forward to the MN state fair ans watching 3 hours of Garage Logic, Joe definately is the Man. I would like to meet Mr. Unbelievable and see his garage by the way.
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