Man, have you struck a nerve with me.
First off I was raised on the farm and love farming, family farming that is. I still live in the house my great-grandfather buildt and love it here.
I can not speak about other areas but here in Shelby County Iowa, we have something major to worry about, CORPORATE FARMING. It is bad, much worse then you can ever imagine.
All the negatives are true about the acerage vales, the stink, the cost of roads and so much more to say.
I can never say it all in this short note and I sure don’t have time to write a book about this disgusting subject.
Lets just say for me I support any family farmer trying to make a living, BUT I oppose a coperate mentality to large operations of any type.
Here is my example. This is actually happening within 5 miles of me.
Local Farm boy goes to Harvard and learns how to screw the world to his favor. He then operates several coperations.
Then about 1997 he builds 3 1000 head hog houses, not living in Shelby county just having people manage them while he learns the ropes of control of people and governemt.
about 2000 he builds a 6000 head sow farrowing unit. Please be aware this unit will put off the equal sewage of a town of about 38,000 people, keep that fact in mind.
In the state of Iowa all you have to do to have a confinment permit for waste removal is meet the DNR demands of having a way to dispose of the waste on “x” amount of acres. That doesnt mean you have to use all the acres to spead the sewage you just need to have accesibilty to the acres.
While this person does not need even a high school education to manage such a plan or permit, a person running a small city of 38,000 people would need a 4 year college education to be liscensed by the state to run the waste water treatment plant. STICK THAT IN YOUR HAT!!!!!!
Then about 2001 he decides to build another 6000 head sow farrowing unit within about 1 1/2 miles of the other. Ths raises his total head so far 15,000 with in 5 miles. Many more now.
He did this by selling shares in his chain letter investment farming. MIllions of dollars coming in from all over the world to ruin my community.
Now they have a 10,000 cow milking unit 3 miles to the north, owned bye the share holders, again from all over the world. Another 10,000 cow unit is planned for across the road.
Think about the acres demands for the sewage of an operation this size, legally that is. Remember you don’t need to properly apply the sewage just meet the acre requiments acessible by the state.
Another problem is the water demands units like this take. 10,000 head of cows at 30 gallon/day. This doesn’t even include the sow unit requirements.
Now think about this, there needs to be people to milk the cows and work the farrowing houses.
Along come the illegal alliens to our areas.
Driving up the rent, not paying taxes, not paying bills at our county owned hospital, not carrying car insurance, and receiving “free money from the local security services like WIC. Now along with that I have to pay more money for paved Roads to and from the dairy to interstate 80 (about 10 miles to the south @ $1,000,000/mile?)oh yes and don’t forget about the rural water lines I need to install for the corperate farmers in the rest of the world to use at my expense.
I hate to sound so angry but you need to realize when someone says “I just want a man to make a living”, keep in mind it needs to be honestly and morally right. The proper laws with fairness in mind for one and all.
If corperate farming and large large factory operations are so much better, they should be able to survive on an equal playing field with the family farmer and not by lying and using others.
One last thing to keep in mind next time you drink milk from this cooperate milking operations, the only way they get the cows to milk are to inject them with hormones. Sounds healthy to me how about you? Natural milk production huh. And to top this off the Dairy(in Des Moines) cut off northern Iowa family farmers so they could contract the milk from this cooperation.
Next time you hear people talking about the large units just being a family farmer trying to make a living, think again.
If you would like to learn more about this subject do a search for Shelby County Iowa and hogs or milking, you will be amazed.
Drop me a line to learn more about where your food will be in the future. Don’t quote me on this, but it is said, 95% of the food is controlled by 6 major cooperations in the US.
Best wishes to all.