I really dont care for him to much but he did break a huge record in the baseball world.
756 homeruns WOW!
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I really dont care for him to much but he did break a huge record in the baseball world.
756 homeruns WOW!
Let the debate begin.
I’ve asked a few people – “What rules of baseball did he break? I undertand there might be questions about his testimony, but what rules that baseball had did he break?”
Kind of funny some time’s: corked bats, finger nail files, pine tar, juiced baseballs, dead balls, steroids, drinking, other drugs, …..
I am not sure if all the hype is true or not and I really could care less.
I dont think Barry Bonds is a person I would not want my kid looking up to as a leader or role model. Because he is not. His career has never been about anything but him.
We are spoiled here in MN with guys like Kirby, Herbek, Hunter………………..
He broke the record
Now he can ride off into the sunset and be the prick he has always been.
He won’t be missed or remembered.
Hank Aaron showed some class with his speech after his record was “broken”.
Hank also made a statement NOT being at any of these tainted Barry Bond games…
“Aaron, 73, wasn’t at AT&T Park, either. He flatly declined to follow Bonds on this quest, citing his age, the uncertainty of when the record-breaker might come and the rigors of travel. Many around baseball suspect, though, that Aaron is disturbed by the charges of performance-enhancing drug use — considered cheating by many in and around baseball — that surround Bonds.”
Bonds has the personality of a dead carp….Definitely not the role model you want for our kids.
If by ‘bonds did it’ you mean hit a bunch of fake home runs and forever tarnished one of the most hallowed records of all time at Balco Field (at least, that’s what it should be renamed) last night, then yes, he did it, all right. It’s just too bad he didn’t get some sort of knee injury about 2 seasons ago and wasn’t able to play any longer. He doesn’t deserve this at all.
It’s hard to do, but it’s time to cheer on A Rod!!!
I’m glad it is finally done. While I have little respect for him as a human being, he has shown a tremendous amount of plate discipline over the years, and, steroids or not, still had to make solid contact with a lot of pitches to break this hallowed record.
Hank, now there is a class act! He conceded the record with humility and dignity that is so rare in the game these days. Congrats to the Bonds family.
To Hank,
I just glad it’s over, too. Now we can move on with the rest of the baseball season, and not be interupted on ESPN every time Bonds adjusts his package!
Thank goodness he finally did it. maybe now the sports world can go back to normal, and Bonds wont be the headline of every page.
Congrats to Barry for a GREAT accomplishment. I see him as innocent until prooven guilty and until than congrats to Barry on an amazing accomplishment either way! A dream that many kids dreamed about and he lived it last night. Congrats to Barry
I’m with you Erick. I don’t like him or his antics at the plate, but until they catch him red handed, he is innocent.
I will be rooting for A-rod though!!
Times have changed. 30 years ago there were some people who didn’t like Hank breaking the record because he is black. Today a lot of people (including me) don’t like Bond’s breaking the record because he’s a steroid abusing, narcissistic jerk.
He is an arrogant jerk, but he can hit the ball. Steroids will help you hit it further, but it will not improve your eyesite, hand-eye coordination, or athletic ability, and he has those.
I just can’t like the guy, what a dink. I hope he does get arrested and charged, but money and fame talks, so he will never have to worry about that
I only wonder what the Babe could have done if not for the womanizing, beer drinking, late nights, etc
I’m with you Erick. I don’t like him or his antics at the plate, but until they catch him red handed, he is innocent.
I will be rooting for A-rod though!!
A-ROD is flying after the record! At the pace he has going it will not take him to long either. When/if he gets there though there will always be critics out there having something to whine about.
756 with about 400 of them aided by the juice. Sorry, but if you doubt the evidence read the “Game of Shadows” and you’ll see how dirty this A-Hole is. Along with Giambi, Santiago and others. As far as I am concerned ASTERISK forever!
Already read the book. Thanks for the heads up though. I could easily write a book and speak my opinion and drag anybody through the mud. I never said I like the guy but until I have ACTUAL FACTS like I said earlier I will give him all the credit in the world for an amazing record, and do not look down on him for his attitude with the media. How would anyone else react when you have them breathing down your back night in and night out? i know I would have taken the bat to one of them clowns long ago after the game with some of the stupid questions thewy have. Do they honestly expect to get a actual answer sometimes?
Once again Conrgrats Barry
I am glad its over, I am a huge sports fan and followed him nightly on TV, but I am glad its over. I don’t care for him much as a person but it is fun to follow history, tainted or not. I don’t think his record will last forever with A-Rod coming after him! I think Alex can catch that record. I and know most of us will be cheering for that! I don’t think A-Rod’s name has ever come up in the steroid debate…..Go A-Rod!
I hate to do it this way, but I’ve been on steroids now for 2 years trying to become a better fisherman. I figure if I can cast farther and more accurate, it’s got to help me right?
I think you have to give the guy some credit. It takes tremendous skill to accomplish what he has in his career. Like it or not, steroids or no steroids, Barry Bonds is one of the greatest baseball players of all time.
Beat them with a bat? I wonder how guys like Gwynn, Ripkin, Puckett, Aaron, Mays, Boggs ever handled it? Oh yeah, with class! Bonds is a cheater and a prick, if you think he didn’t use then maybe you think OJ is innocent?
Who was it…….. Rodriguez???……….. that was the youngest player in history to hit 500 homeruns, just last week???
What I’d like to see is for this guy to stay healthy and break the record again! Bonds may have his glory for now, but I’d love to see that be very short lived.
If the “hot stick” can average 40 homers/yr., and play another 7 seasons, he’ll blow Bonds outa the water!!!
I hate to do it this way, but I’ve been on steroids now for 2 years trying to become a better fisherman. I figure if I can cast farther and more accurate, it’s got to help me right?
Slop!? Preperation H is not steroids and you can buy it over the counter. The only way it helps is it allows you to not have to stand the whole time your fishing. Your records are untainted sir!
You guy’s are sadly mistaken if don’t think Arod has taken performance enhancing drugs at some point in his career like when he and 100’s of other Baseball players along with 1000’s of athletes world wide BLEW up during the Steroid era….
And if you buy Arods excuse that he got that big by “Getting up everyday a 6 am and working out for 6 hours” I have some ocean front property in the Sahara desert you may be interested in…
Beat them with a bat? I wonder how guys like Gwynn, Ripkin, Puckett, Aaron, Mays, Boggs ever handled it? Oh yeah, with class! Bonds is a cheater and a prick, if you think he didn’t use then maybe you think OJ is innocent?
You have to admit they did not take the beat down that the players do today with the media seriuosly. I grew up looking up to Puckett as a IDOL and still have dozens of cards, posters, autographed collectables from him. He was and still is a 100% first class act that we will never see today much of in todays game. I never once have said Bonds is that at all! Again just saying he broke a milestone and until FACTS change my ways i will watch him and his smooth home run swing. Todays game is totally different than the 80’s and early 90’s I grew up with. Today it is all about the power and it entertains fans and brings them in. Do I think steroids or growth horomones were not used in the last 10 years?! Hell no a person would be stupid to think otherwise, but facts are facts the guy has been tested just like everyone who has tested positive and passed, not saying there is no ways around the testing of it but assuming also prooves jack
to me.
Unfortunatley you are probably right. This entire era of the live ball and steroids is a shame. It is disrespectful of all the past greats and that is one thing about baseball is it’s history. Baseball and basketball both suck these days. I guess that leaves the 2 F’s, fishing and football!!! I guess we could say the 3 F’s but that the other probably is not OK for this discussion!
For the record Bonds did admit to using the Clear and the Cream, he just didn”t admit to knowing what they were! I think he mention Flaxseed oil or something like that. I aslo wonder why he trainer is in a Federal Prison?
Unfortunatley you are probably right. This entire era of the live ball and steroids is a shame. It is disrespectful of all the past greats and that is one thing about baseball is it’s history. Baseball and basketball both suck these days. I guess that leaves the 2 F’s, fishing and football!!! I guess we could say the 3 F’s but that the other probably is not OK for this discussion!
Football is not clean either. Remember, HGH cannot be tested for. The NFL has an image of having a tough drug policy, but they do not test for HGH because the tests are not reliable. I believe I read that you need to test for it within a couple hours of taking it.
Isn’t HGH what (allegedly) caused Bond’s hat and shoe size to increase. If he is clean, well nobody told me when I turn 35 I will need to buy all new hats and shoes!
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